Chapter 50: My Ex's & Oh, Oh, Oh's

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Chapter 50: My Ex's & Oh, Oh, Oh's

Peter could have danced all night. Literally, all night. He had the energy of a supernova and the stamina of rocket fuel. Moreover, Peter had motivation: he wouldn't get to see Wendy tomorrow. So tonight had to last.

The solo reconnaissance mission to Berk sounded like an all day excursion, especially since Peter had never visited the Otherland. Peter grunted. He'd probably have to ask flying geese for directions. Geese. Ugh. That would kill his pride.

Now, the prospect of exploring unfamiliar territory was exciting. However Peter still considered Wendy unfamiliar territory (figuratively and literally).  And of the two, Peter preferred Wendy.

Returning to the moment, Peter smiled. Inwardly, he congratulated himself (again) for proposing to Wendy – she was a strange girl! He was having a blast trying to figure her out. In one moment she was both childish and adult – in the next moment she was both reserved and bold. 

When aggravated, Wendy argued like she was one thousand feet tall. But in actuality, she was cute as a button -- and somehow her cuteness intensified when she was cross. It was a vicious cycle: Wendy got mad, Peter said she looked cute, Wendy got madder, Peter said she looked cuter....

Peter grinned, remembering Wendy trying to deny her jealously at Tony's Restaurant. She was so cute. Sometimes he just wanted to dunk her in his coffee.

Above all, Wendy was a lady. She didn't hide it.  She didn't flaunt it. She just was. 'Act like a gentleman.' 'Shadow – behave.' 'I do beg your pardon.' 'Quiet time – both of you!' 'That was lovely.' 'Peter – you look dashing.' 

Even Wendy's mannerisms were genteel.She sat – back straight, ankles neatly tucked. She listened – silently, with intent. She spoke – politely (could her accent be any  primmer?). She smiled – demurely, without conceit. She greeted – with the tiniest curtsy, jut a dip. She danced – only if Peter took the lead.

Certainly, Wendy's ladylikeness fascinated Peter. She was a lady – he was a jester. The two shouldn't mix. 

But they were. They were meshing, connecting, accepting, and changing for each other. Wendy was loosening her behavior; Peter was tightening his. It was amazing – Peter could see it happening. It was almost...magical.

That was not to say Peter wanted to transform Wendy! Heck no! Peter liked that Wendy was a little bit of a damsel. He actually preferred it. Because, if Wendy was the damsel, then Peter was her knight in shining armor!

Not Jim.

Peter rocked Wendy against him. He squeezed her. Hard.

The 'best friend' act was getting old. Actually, it was old six years ago. Peter had hoped that isolation in the Underworld would have fostered Wendy's independence. But the years apart had only strengthened her dependence on Jim. Wendy relied on Jim's judgement, and Jim was overly possessive of Wendy. They read each other fluently in ways Peter was only beginning to understand. 

Peter hugged Wendy from behind. Secretively, he scowled. Wendy's relationship with Jim made him angry. Almost jealous. And a little...suspicious.

"Oh!" Wendy threw back a hand. She swerved as Peter tripped. Tripping – that was unusual. "Peter are you all right?"

"Yeahp." Hastily picking up his feet Peter floated three inches above ground. "Just testing you sleepy girl!"

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