Chapter 38: A Dragon's Tears

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Chapter 38: A Dragon's Tears

Have you ever heard a dragon cry? Someday I hope you do. Because of all the beasts in all the world, a dragon crying is the softest sound, second only to angels with broken wings.

Hiccup raised his head. Blood rolled like tears between his eyes.


A black outline slunk from the darkness. Two green eyes filled with tears.

Toothless whimpered for his best friend.

Hiccup pushed upright. He slipped, falling over his splintered peg leg. "Toothless! Toothless!"

Blind with happiness, Hiccup crumpled into his dragon.


That night the stars shone a little brighter. As Hiccup laughed, Toothless cuddled him like an otter, and the two friends rejoiced for the second chance they'd been given.

"C'mon Toothless." Hiccup mounted. The dragon's harness apparatus had been destroyed in Avalon. His tail fin prosthetic could not be operated, so Toothless could not fly. So they were forced to travel on foot but it didn't matter - they were together.

"Something's up in Berk, Bud. Dad might be thinking of war, so we gotta stop him. And then...we avenge The King."

Toothless whinnied. Faster than liquid fire, he ran into the wild.

Hiccup hugged Toothless. Fingers in the saddle he happily sighed.

Then, he felt something crinkly. As Toothless raced, Hiccup unfastened a paper letter from the dragon's saddle. Swaying with Toothless's momentum, he read.

"Toothless?" Hiccup finally asked. "Who's Wendy?"

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