Chapter 51: Exorcist

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Chapter 51: Exorcist

Wendy seized Arista's shadow –

– and shred.

Now, Wendy was a shadow worker and she followed a historical line. Before her, shadow workers manipulated shadows to possess and pervert mankind. But unlike her predecessors, Wendy feared her abilities. Therefore, she moderated them – almost to the point of neglect. Shadow working was used only for protection and only when necessary. Wendy had hurt Peter once – she had scalped his soul. It was a moment she would always fear. Everyday she promised never to detach a shadow again.

Wendy had hoped that ignoring her powers would dilute them. But she was wrong. Her powers were almost...rebelling. Strange instances were growing into terrifying trends – the nightmares, the agonizing headaches, the monochromatic vision, the shadow magnetism...the loss of control.

Wendy knew something was wrong. Something was wrong with her brain, her neural network, her ability to control the shadow-working symptoms with a happy thought. Exactly what was wrong, Wendy did not know (that is another story for another time). But whatever it was, it was destroying her.

So, after an evening of fighting, wicked thoughts, and unhappy memories, Arista's blood red wine dripping down Wendy's chest was the final trigger. Before she could stop, Wendy seized Arista's shadow and shred.

Shredding a shadow was not the same as detaching it completely. Wendy could only detach a shadow with her needle and thread – it was similar to yanking a tooth. But shredding a shadow was like flossing; Wendy pulled Arista's shadow in and out, never separating, but wringing the shadow for dark memories.

And she found them. Arista's worst memories burst like a nest of hornets. Wendy saw them all. She felt them all.

And it petrified her.

Arista hit the floor, the whites of her eyes spinning. Wendy tried to pull away but Arista's shadow stuck to her palms. Desperately Wendy pushed the shadow, trying to fling it off  like a pair of mittens, but the shadow remained.

All around, from every angle people were screaming. Hands began grabbing with the intent of wrenching Wendy from Arista; but the second they grabbed her, Wendy felt their shadows stick. It hurt – each shadow clamped like a red hot staple into her skin.

Wendy collapsed. Through the mesh of shadows she saw people sobbing as their darkest memories flowed through Wendy –humiliation, terror, failure, betrayal, death.

Entire lifetimes of pain and suffering avalanched Wendy. The memories mixed with her own, twisting into grotesque hallucinations. Wendy clutched her temples. Delving into her mind, she searched for her happy thought.



Pet –

'Peter's not here. Peter's dancing without you.'

Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell's voice.

Wendy cringed. She squeezed her hair, trying to stop the memory. But she couldn't. It cascaded into her head.

'God – you have got to be the only girl in this restaurant that hasn't slept with Peter! OH his EX'S are everywhere!'

"Stop it!" Wendy begged, clawing her eyes. "Stop it! Go away!"

 Tinkerbell's smile sliced her mind. 

And don't forget me. Peter said I was his favorite because I could stick my tongue in the sexiest p –

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