Chapter 98: Stop Acting Like A Mermaid

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Chapter 98: Stop Acting Like A Mermaid

Ariel dialed the volume to the lowest audible setting. She repeated the adjustment on the electric switch, dimming the light. When the parameters were set, she plugged her trident into a gigantic outlet in the center of the grotto.


The undersea grotto vibrated. Energy flowed from the trident and into Ariel's electronic systems. Computers woke up, radios turned on, sonar microphones captured animal sounds from the ocean, and the antique Victrola gently revolved.

Ariel fiddled with the master volume. It was still too loud. Her cavern was stacked with every appliance imaginable. Although she'd lowered the volume beforehand the aggregate noise was substantial.

Ariel huffed. She might as well broadcast their whereabouts to Captain Hook. Lana, Cordelia, and Adella had probably returned to the ocean by now – they'd undoubtedly hear the noise. Moreover, the grotto was lit like a candle. It was only a matter of time before they were discovered.

Regardless, Ariel began detaching cables and disconnecting speakers. She reduced the sound not to prevent exposure per se, but out of respect for her unconscious guests.

Jim and Wendy were cooked. Literally. Their outsides were burned by dragon fire, and their insides were asphyxiated with smoke. Ariel hurt just looking at them. She'd immediately treated both with starfish resin (a natural tissue regenerator), but the kindest remedy was unconsciousness. Jim and Wendy would suffer when they woke.

The others...

Ariel glanced at the Otherland guardians. It was almost comical. They were piled in a colorful heap – Tooth on Bunny, Bunny on North, North snoozing under his overturned sleigh, the reindeer dispersed in-between.

None of the guardians were injured as Wendy or Jim, but the undersea journey had been rough. Ariel had saved Jim and Wendy first – North, Tooth, and Bunny had almost drowned. Whoops.

Ariel shifted as microphones crackled. Dolphin chirps tickered through the external speakers. Ariel listened as the message played. She translated most of it, but the volume was set too low for her to completely understand.

However, Ariel did detect that the message was from Eric – the Dolphin dialect was computerized. Real dolphins giggled and squeaked when they spoke – it was never so robotic.

Ariel assessed her computer screen. Keeping Jim in full view, she copied Eric's message into a word file. The message configured – loaded –

What happened in Fantasia?! Ariel are you down there? Are you alright?

Ariel read the message twice before remembering – her father had temporarily exiled Eric after their argument. 

'Petty Officer Sebastian. Make sure he leaves. I want him out of sight.' Admiral Triton had ordered. 'Put him on a ship and see that he stays there.'

Gosh. Ironic. Ariel typed a lengthy reply, explaining the situation. As she awaited Eric's return message she marveled. Daddy's punishment probably saved Eric's life. Eric wasn't in Fantasia during the attack. Ironic.

Eric responded swiftly. He sent two more messages before Ariel translated the first.

The first message: Vikings? Shadows? CAPTAIN HOOK? But that's impossible – Captain Hook is dead.

The second message: What about King Arthur? Where is he? And Elsa, the queen?

The third message: You must be so scared. Ariel if your cousins are back from the dead (impossible by the way), then you are not safe down there. We are tracking The Princess, but if you can get here we'll turn around. Can you? Can Crush bring you to the WFC?

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