Chapter 33: I'm Bringing Sexy Back

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Chapter 33: I'm Bringing Sexy Back

 Even after Tinkerbell was retrieved, forced to apologize, and dismissed, Wendy remained incredibly apologetic.

"Your Majesty I am so sorry. I can't even begin to – "

Arthur laughed. "Wendy, it's okay! I didn't want you to stay so I could reprimand you!"

Indulgently, Arthur removed his crown. He exhaled deeply, as if the unloading allowed his brain to breath. Setting his crown upon the Round Table, Arthur ruffled his hair.

 "Not at all! Jumping harptoads. Wendy, I actually wanted to thank you."

 Wendy felt a little improper. Arthur's kingliness had completely evaporated; he addressed her like a fellow student, not a monarch. And after the day's grandiosities, Arthur's informality seemed inappropriate. Wendy half expected Master Cogsworth to burst through the doors and arrest her for discourteous communication.

 "Thank me, Your Majesty?"

 "Yes. I'm still so new at this king thing." Arthur motioned vaguely to his crown. "And stuff like that happens all the time. You know, the quarreling, second guessing, insulting, undermining my authority. Totally normal. No one takes a teenage king seriously. But you did. So – thanks."

   Wendy was emphatic. "Well of course! Of course Your Majesty! You – "



 Lightly, Arthur punched Wendy's shoulder. "Come on – we went to school together. You know me. I'm Arthur. Not Your Majesty, not Sire, not Your Holy High Worship. It's Arthur."

 "Oh no." Wendy insisted. "I don't think that's proper. You are the king. You deserve – "

 "I know, I know. But I don't keep calling you Lady Shadow Worker. It's too formal. Same with me. Could you and the other guardians, you know when we're not in me Arthur? Please?"

Wendy knew she should respectfully decline. But Arthur's pain was transparent: he was lonely. Wendy recognized it immediately. Even without directly saying so, Arthur's loneliness was expressed a hundred different ways: he attempted jokes with his advisers; he pitied the guardians and lied to give them three days together; he threw himself heart and soul into every task; he addressed Wendy informally, as a friend; he wished (almost begged) for Merlin to return.

   It was curious. Arthur was surrounded by thousands. He was admired, championed, mentored, and defended. Literally, all of Fantasia stood beside him.

 But Arthur was alone.

"You miss Master Merlin." Wendy said softly. "Don't you?"

  Arthur nodded. "He best friend."

 "You're lonely."

 "Yes. And you've been lonely too?"

 Wendy picked at her hand guard. She thought of the Underworld.

 "Dreadfully. But...I think we all are. So there's no use in complaining."

"Yeah." Arthur sighed. Dutifully he replaced his crown. " I'm sorry, it's my fault after all. It was my decision that ultimately made you guardians, and I know it's not fair. It's not easy being alone. But, at least you have three days."

 "Before the wedding? Oh, I meant to say thank you." Wendy spoke earnestly. "You didn't have to convince them to let us stay. That was very kind. Very kind."

  "It was the least I could do. You've all worked hard. A vacation was in order – however short."

"But you're getting married." Wendy smiled encouragingly. "To Elsa? Congratulations. That will be lovely, won't it?"

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