Chapter 106: I'm Afraid We Have Good News

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Chapter 106: I'm Afraid We Have Good News

"Not the eggs! Not the eggs! Crikey, don't crush the eggs!"

Ariel swerved as Bunny darted after five children. When he caught up, the children dolefully surrendered their rainbow colored Easter eggs.

"Sorry Mr. Bunny."

"We weren't stealing." apologized the oldest. "Promise."

The littlest member rubbed his grumbling tummy. "I just feel all funny."

"Sorry." they chorused again.

Bunny's ears drooped. He didn't need Ariel's disapproving glare to concede; the children had already softened his heart. To a marshmallow in fact.

"Well. Buck up ya little ankle biters." Bunny flicked an egg. The shell wobbled in his palm as the yolk magically hardboiled. "Just wanted to make sure you didn't eat 'em raw. Go on, here you go. And kids..."

Bunny winked. He pointed sideways with his left ear. "See that tree? There are jelly beans growing inside the blossoms."

The children squealed. The youngest (a girl named Penny) hugged Bunny's knees before racing after her friends. "I love you Mr. Bunny!"

Bunny grinned like a leprechaun on St. Patrick's Day.

"Little ankle biters." he murmured, watching sweetly as the children jumped for the jelly beans. Noticing Ariel, he quickly resumed the 'tough guy' routine. "Gonna eat me out of house and home. Hope you Fantasians aren't in the mood for Easter this year, because my supplies just hit rock bottom!"

Bunny hopped irritably away. "Come on, sheila. We'll be late for the council."

Ariel followed. Although she condemned Bunny's behaviors, she could definitely understand his point.

The Warren was overcrowded. Way overcrowded.

A warren (as Ariel recently discovered), was a network of underground tunnels, specific to rabbits. Bunny's tunnels traversed the entire planet, and emptied into The Warren. The Warren was a subterranean paradise, complete with jellybean trees, Easter egg flowers, and an ancient springtime forest.

It was bright. It was colorful.

And it was crowded. 

Bunny, Tooth, and North had managed to stick an entire populace underground. Of course, the decision had saved thousands from certain death, but King Arthur's subjects were now fugitives. And the fugitive life (magical springtime Warren aside) was a dismal one. The Fantasians were angry, scared, and they were getting pretty sick of the jellybean -- hardboiled egg diet. 

Ariel reflected. Thank god for her father.

Following the battle, Admiral Triton's first act had not been to heal the Fantasians. His first act had been to police. King Arthur's absence was the perfect opportunity for lawbreaking, so Admiral Triton established order faster than a riptide. Mulan, Shang, Captain Amelia, and P.I. Basil were working double duty. Stewardship was passed to Headmaster Mickey (King Arthur's predecessor) Ariel.

Headmaster Mickey and Ariel were in charge.

Strangely, Ariel was not overwhelmed. Hers was a malleable personality, and she accepted King Arthur's responsibilities without question, switching from her guardian role to stewardess easily as water evaporates to air.

Furthermore, Ariel saw no reason to be overwhelmed. True she was essentially safekeeping an entire kingdom. However, she was operating alongside Headmaster Mickey. Vis, there were two people doing the job previously done by one: King Arthur. Ariel figured she and Headmaster Mickey had it easy.

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