Chapter 41: Meeting The Girlfriend

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Chapter 41: Meeting The Girlfriend


"But --"


"But you don't --"


"Mom! She – "

"James PLEIADES Hawkins!" Sarah seized a chair and pointed. "Sit!"

Jim sat. Furiously, but he sat.

"Mom, you don't – "

"Be quiet , I did not say you could talk! Now – " Sarah practically spit nails. "What was the meaning of that?"

Jim threw a hand at the door. "You let her go out? You don't know where's she's going or what she's going to do? Dressed like that? Mom she's – "

"Yes, I did! She looked lovely and it wouldn't have hurt you to say so."

"Oh my freaking –you don't underst— " Angrily Jim seized his forehead. "Whatever."

"Young man you are not a teenager anymore – do not 'whatever' me. How could you say that to Wendy? Jim that was terrible. You hurt her feelings."

"I wasn't trying to hurt her feelings."

"Well what were you trying to do?"

"I was trying to protect her!" Jim blurted. "She's not thinking straight – she's got no idea – I was trying to keep her safe!"

Sarah crossed her arms, startled by his reaction. "What? Keep her safe from what?"

"Mom!" Jim leaned, fists shaking. "She's going to see Pan! Pan and I made a bet, I promised not to say anything but – but I just couldn't let her – And I think – Mom I think Pan's going to –to -- "

"To...?" Suddenly, Sarah hardened. "Jim. Do I need to call the police?"

"I—" Jim thought of the dreamcatcher. He thought of Wendy, holding back tears, her night probably ruined. He thought of Peter, waiting to snatch her like an animal trap. He thought of Wendy again – and the secret she was keeping from him.

Jim raked his hair. "I don't know. It's – I don't know."

Sarah lingered. She glanced at the clock. Gathering herself, she sighed.

"Okay Jim. Listen to me. First, Wendy is a good girl. And I trust that if she's uncomfortable, she'll come right home. But if she's not back by midnight, I'll call Delbert. Captain Amelia and I will go find her. Okay?"

Jim stared at the ground. Grimly he nodded.

"Okay. Second. Jim, I am proud that you are looking out for Wendy. You're a good brother. But insulting her was wrong. Very wrong. Wendy internalizes everything – you know that. I don't know what 'bet' you made with Peter, but I don't care. If you had concerns, you should have said so. Immediately. So, when Wendy comes home – you are apologizing. And you are giving her a reason why. Understood?"

Again Jim nodded.

"And third..." Sarah paused indecisively. When she spoke, she was somber. "When Wendy gets home, and after you apologize...the three of us are going to have a little chat...about Ariel and Peter."

Jim frowned, perplexed. "Ariel and Peter? Why?"

"I just think," Sarah said pragmatically. "That the four of you haven't been thinking realistically – into the long run, I mean. You are guardians. Sooner or later, you will have to say goodbye. It was one thing when you were children. But since you've returned,  I think things have progressed a little too far, a little too fast. I can't speak for Ariel or Peter...but I want you and Wendy to think this through."

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