Chapter 122: Time Out Chair

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Chapter 122: Time Out Chair

Sinbad's nose exploded under Wendy's fist.

The crew responded as typical men.

"OHHHHHHH!" They whooped, arms raising like sports fans. "DAAAAMN!"

"Wendy?" Jim gasped. The skirmish took several moments to process, but it basically boiled down to: (1) Sinbad was bleeding. (2) Wendy was significantly stronger than she looked.

Jim reevaluated his sweet little sister. "Nice shot! Who the hell taught you to punch? Oh shit! Wen get back – "

The crew (following their shameful initial reaction) rallied to Sinbad's defense. Set on avenging Wendy's crime (in addition to their own), they prepared to pull her insides out. 

Jim forced Wendy behind him, but Sinbad ended the brawl before it began.

"AhhhhhHHHHHHRRRAAAGGGGggggghhh!" Sinbad cupped handfuls of stringy red gunk from his nose. "You little – you dirty little -- holy shit that hurts!"

Sinbad snarled at Wendy. "Who in the HELL do you think you are?!"

Wendy was undaunted.

"Well I can see that's where Jim gets his language from!" she retorted, cradling her left hand. Her knuckles were already bruising. "But that's all he inherited from you, because you are the most horrible, disgusting, selfish, atrocious, detestable, unspeakable –"

"Someone!" Sinbad barked, mopping his bloody nose. "Stifle the thesaurus!"

"—insufferable, repulsive, evil, wicked, dispicmphmml!" 

Wendy was gagged. The pirates tied her wrists and dragged her from Jim. However, the restraints  didn't help. Wendy had reached her boiling point. She continued to insult Sinbad through the gag, and her muffles needed no translation.

Miguel stuck his knife under her chin.

"Should I cut out her tongue?" he  offered sweetly.

"No!" Jim yelled, Morph echoing. "No don't hurt her! She's my sister, she's my best friend we—"

"Oh WE'VE met!" Sinbad marched to Wendy. He grabbed her chin and started to speak. Pausing, he tilted Wendy's jaw. She was still blasting him with muffled reprimands.

He turned to Jim. "Jesus does she ever stop talking?"

Jim interjected before Sinbad could permanently make her.

"Wen calm down, just – " Jim pushed through Sinbad. Wendy was straining against the gag, desperately trying to free her hands. Fearful that she would choke, Jim interceded.

"Wen it's okay! Just listen for a second before you get killed! Sinbad is still an asshole – "

"Hey I can HEAR you!"

"—but we've got to work with him to find Mom! Peter brought Mom someplace called Avalon! Pitch wants me and he's using Mom as bait!"

Jim cupped Wendy's cheeks, forcing her to listen. "Wen, we can't fight Pitch without you, so just calm down and trust me! I promise, these guys won't hurt you – "

"WHOA there partner!" Sinbad's scimitar glinted in the corner of Jim's eye. "Let's not make promises we can't keep, shall we? I've got a cold, wet, worm-ridden cell with Scrimpy's name all over it. She's going down to the brig with all the other lousy Fantas– "

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