Chapter 92: I See Fire, Burning the Trees.

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Chapter 92: I See Fire, Burning the Trees.

The attack surprised Sinbad. And when the robotic spacer stopped and stammered his name, Sinbad was surprised even more. The spacer sounded scared. So scared, he didn't follow through with his punch.

That was mistake number two. Mistake number one had been the initial attack.

Sinbad kicked, throwing the spacer off him. The spacer crashed halfway down the castle steps before scrambling upright and surprising Sinbad again. Sinbad had expected the spacer to counter-attack. But he did not. Instead, the spacer ran to Sarah. He was not fighting ; he was attempting a rescue.

"Ohhhhhhh NO YOU DON'T!" Sinbad yelled, scimitar flashing over his back. Sarah had been knocked unconscious from the fall, and the spacer was already gathering her arms and legs. "Not my woman, pal! Get ready to scream like you've never – "

The spacer unbuckled a blaster and aimed. The instant he pulled the trigger Sinbad sliced the nozzle with a single swipe. Black energy combusted within the barrel and backfired into the spacer, blasting him into the street.

Sinbad heard the spacer shout. He saw the helmet pop off his head. But he didn't stop to look at the spacer's face – Sinbad cradled Sarah and bolted inside the burning school.

It was an insane move, even for Sinbad. Fantasia School for the Magically Skewed crumbled beneath his every step. Nevertheless, Sinbad charged into the flames.

It was the only way to escape.

Fantasia was burning to the ground – Sinbad knew he would never reach ocean. Ruber, Captain Hook, and Pitch would soon appear to complete the bloodshed. Moreover, the Vikings, their dragons, Admiral Triton, and that freaking spacer dude were blocking his escape.

So, Sinbad decided to leave the way he'd came: via the swimming pool. And he had about three minutes to get there before the school collapsed.

He didn't make it. At least, not exactly. Following an enormous thunderclap, the roof split. Staircases groaned and walls exploded as the top floors tumbled down like pancakes. Although Sinbad was near the bottom floor, the pool was below ground level and in a few seconds it would literally be buried underground.

Sarah jerked awake as Sinbad slid over debris, falling with the momentum. She shouted as Sinbad suddenly wrenched upright, looked over the banister, and squinted below. The floors were splitting apart – and through the cracks, Sinbad could just see flashes of the aquamarine swimming pool.

Sinbad glanced at the plummeting roof. He looked down at the swimming pool.

Sinbad considered.

If they jumped....

Sarah heard the decision click inside his head.

"No!" she cried as Sinbad hauled her over the banister. Terrified, she pulled away. "No, don't-"

"Sarah we – " Wreckage showered down. Coughing, Sinbad floundered for Sarah. "Come on! The roof's going to cave, we gotta jump for it!"

"No!" As Sinbad climbed over the banister Sarah took one look at the downward plunge and begged. "No, no, no, STOP! Don't I can't – ! "

"Are you kidding!?" Sinbad shrieked. "Seriously?! The afraid of heights thing?! Oh for the love of -- "

Sinbad perched Sarah on his hip. Seizing the rail, he pressed Sarah into his neck and jumped.

They fell, crashing into the swimming pool as Fantasia School for the Magically Skewed collapsed.

One arm around Sarah, Sinbad seized a grappling hook -- the line which was still tethered faithfully to The Princess. With a kick he pushed through the drain, under the castle, into the ocean, and out of Fantasia.

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