Chapter 45: SEXiled

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Chapter 45: SEXiled

Romantic, romantic, it was all very romantic. Peter's anniversary surprise filled Wendy with happiness. Peter reminded Wendy a dozen times how debonair he was, and gave her permission to brag on his account. After all – who else could summon a personal nimbus cloud for romantic kisses in the rain?

"No one but Peter Pan." Wendy had humorously consented. Then, looking at the raincloud still crying over them, she had asked. "But does it turn off?"

"Ummmmm." Peter had waggled his head. "Not exactly sure...?"

The real answer was no.

As the little raincloud poured, Peter cheerfully explained that he'd actually never summoned a raincloud before. Ergo, he'd never dismissed one. Clouds tended to be finicky – very ethereal, very hard to control.

Moreover, the raincloud adored Peter and Wendy. It followed them everywhere – even under the teepee. It was cute at first, but when their s'mores became soggy, Peter became annoyed.

As Peter yelled "Scram! Beat it ya dumb cloud!" Wendy had taken full advantage of the rare opportunity.

"What? A disobedient cloud? There is a creature that Peter Pan cannot charm? Say not so!"

Peter had promptly slung Wendy over his shoulder. After a playful spank he jumped into the air. "Smart girl, huh? C'mon! We'll outrun it!"

A rollicking flight later, Peter kicked open the window to Wendy's room. As the pane swung, the little raincloud squeezed buckets over their heads.

"Shut the window!" Wendy giggled as Peter carried her inside. Extending over his shoulder, she grabbed the latch. "Shut the window and be careful! It's wet Peter, make sure you don't – "


Whether it was purposeful or not, Peter slipped on the wet sill. As the window shut, he and Wendy crashed landed with an awful thump. As they tumbled Peter wacked into something that teetered, fell, and smashed. 

"Oof!" Peter landed on Wendy. He snickered at the broken lamp. "Oh I hope that wasn't valuable!"

Wendy smothered her laughter. They were both squishing with rain water.

"Thank heavens the cloud didn't come inside!"

"Well I TOLD you I could outrun it! Safe and sound! But now..." Peter propped on his elbows. Cheek in hand, he sagged into Wendy. "Watcha want to do now pretty girl?"

"You need to be quiet!" Wendy warned. She squirmed under his weight. "My brothers are down the hall and Jim is in the next room!"

Peter rolled back and forth. "There's a wall, ain't there? Ooo! Let's play hide and seek! You hide I'll seek!"

"Peter!" Smiling, Wendy covered his mouth. "Shh!"

He seized her ribs and tickled. "You shh!"

"Mmmmimmm!" Wendy whimpered, trying not to squeal. Kicking, she hooked Peter's neck and pulled upright. "Silly, stop it!Come on now, let me undress!"

Peter faltered. "Undress--?" He paused as Wendy moved into him. He waited a breathless moment. And then he grabbed.

Wendy fell back. Peter's hands crawled under her like spiders, one pulling her zipper the other diving down her spine.

"W-wait – " Wendy tried to stop the misunderstanding. "W – Pet – "

His mouth clamped over hers. He started biting, he started chewing. His hands were everywhere, sheering her skin, smoothing her bodice, jumpstarting her heart –

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