Chapter 90: The Frozen Heart

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Chapter 90: The Frozen Heart

When she entered, every gaze fell on Elsa like she was the only light in the room. If Sinbad had looked at the king's bride, his pursuit of Sarah might have been stalled. Elsa was beautiful. Although she hadn't been crowned queen, she ascended the aisle as one. She was graceful, grand, and snowflakes glittered in her wake.

No one moved, save to genuflect as Elsa passed. The bridesmaids unfolded, peeling to either side. Anna smiled, spreading sunshine over the procession as Jack Frost, hidden under the proscenium arch, shivered with sadness. Headmaster Mickey waited aside King Arthur, a magical Once Upon a Time book opened to a blank page that would be scripted as the couple wed.

King Arthur stood silently, elevated upon his dais, poised before his throne, crown erect, and Excalibur under his hand. As Elsa came near, Arthur's eyes ached but his expression was gentle.

Twice Arthur looked from Elsa. Once to find Peter Pan, a lost boy without direction or hope; and once to find Wendy and Jim, two best friends unable to heal each other's pain. Fingering Excalibur, Arthur tilted an ear, almost like he had asked the sword a question and was listening for the reply. 

Suddenly, Arthur looked at Elsa. Directly.

And when Elsa dropped his gaze, Arthur understood what he had to do. Decision made, he released Excalibur and lifted his hand.


The wedding froze. Arthur hadn't spoken above a whisper but his command rang across the chamber. Elsa faltered, but after an alarmed blink she remained stationary. Jack crept forward. Peter frowned. Wendy felt Jim stiffen, and he felt her. Guests were confused, Headmaster Mickey most of all.

But the confusion turned into astonishment as Arthur removed his crown, descended the dais, and stood before Elsa, not as king but as Wart. 

Whispers rippled across the court. Arthur waited for them to subside. When they had, he straightened to his full height (somehow seeming taller without his crown), and spoke.

"This is me." Arthur said, touching his chest. "Not a king. I'm just a man. A man that would not have a lady love me for pride or obligation. Or by royal decree."

All of Fantasia was still. But Elsa, slowly realizing what Arthur was going to demand of her, shed a snowflake tear. Magical snow began trickling from thin air, triggered by Elsa's emerging fear.

Arthur noticed the snow. He felt the cold. Nevertheless, he continued. 

"I once said you do not love me. But then I discovered that I did not know what love means. So I thought. And thought. And now... now that I have seen heartbreak in others... I know."

Arthur glanced at his guardians: Peter, Wendy, and Jim. He thought of Ariel, though she was not there. Then bravely, he returned to Elsa. And his next soliloquy, although it was hardly a stanza, no one would ever forget.

"Love is not kinda. Love is not sometimes, or if when, or once. Love is enduring, forever, and all. There is no intermediate. There is no inbetween. There is no hesitation. There is no regret. One either loves or one does not."

To Elsa, Arthur offered his hand.

"If we are to marry, you will love me as I am."

The words were spoken. The challenge was set. The gauntlet was thrown.

Elsa stared at King Arthur – she flickered fleetingly at Jack's overhanging frost –

--and painfully turned away.

The uproar was tumultuous.

"No." Wendy breathed. She stepped weakly towards Arthur, but Jim drew her back. Royal advisers and security forces were already condensing. People were shouting. Elsa was intercepted.

It was devastating, for all involved. Although Wendy pitied Elsa, Arthur's tragedy echoed her own sorrow.

"This is dreadful. This –" 

Wendy found Arthur. The young king was numb, frozen to the spot Elsa had left him. He unfroze as Elsa suddenly ran, trying to escape the ruthless onlookers. Those who had witnessed her rejection were cursing on the king's behalf. 

Arthur pressed his brow. As he strode to Elsa's rescue, Wendy's focus relaxed to a figure blocking her view.

Peter. She gazed at him. He looked at her. 

Suddenly Wendy recoiled, struck by a frigid wind. Icy flurries followed, flinging sharp snowflakes. It was monstrous – had Jim not hugged her, Wendy might have been overblown.

"What the --?" Jim wrestled on his motorcycle helmet. Shielding Wendy from the gust, he peered through the snow. "What the hell is – oh my god. It's Elsa."

The snowstorm was building, swirling around Elsa, but Wendy understood without seeing. Elsa's powers were hardwired to her emotions – just like Ariel's trident and Wendy's shadow working. And when her emotions were strong – when fear overwhelmed – and she lost control –

"Jim!" Wendy swam through the snow. Remembering the Battle to Take Fantasia, when Elsa had created an eternal winter, she pushed frantically into the crowd. "Jim we have to stop Elsa, we have to help her! We – "

"Wendy wait!" Someone grabbed, wrenching her back. Red hair prickled the corner of her vision, but as Wendy turned Jack Frost darted overhead, spraying them with ice. Staff raised, Jack cut into Elsa's storm but was immediately toppled by the wind.

Elsa was gasping, clawing her hair, vying for control. Guards were attacking, heedless of Arthur's warning to stop. Finally, in an act of desperation, Arthur unsheathed Excalibur. The magical blade flashed as he sprinted into the snowstorm – called Elsa's name – promised that everything was going to be alright –

"I CAN'T!"

Elsa screamed. And as she cried, the storm collapsed. The winter magic whirled through Elsa's body, and exploded like a steel snowflake. 

The shards flew, striking King Arthur's heart. 

Arthur stumbled. He fell to his knees -- grasped his chest -- and screamed in utter pain.

But Arthur's cry was underwhelmed by the dragon. The dragon that crashed through the rooftop, smiled at the fallen king, and breathed green flames.

...................................... ..... .............................................

sultal's note:

The video can be found on my YouTube page (sultal wf). (Wattpad readers, it's the one posted above!) The video's title is:

Giving Fantasia Disney/Non Fanfiction -- "My Kingdom"

Giving Fantasia: The Taking Fantasia SequelWhere stories live. Discover now