Chapter 54: I Gotta Pee

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Chapter 54: I Gotta Pee

"I gotta pee. Are they done yet?"


"They done yet?"


"Howwwww bouuuut nowwwwwwwww?"



"Ruffnutt!" (Clank!) "Can it!"

"Ow! Tuffnutt!" (Clank – clank!) "I gotta pee!"

"That's what your helmet is for!"



"THAT'S what my HELMET is for!"

"You guys!" Astrid flung her battle axe. She shouldered through Fishlegs and Snoutlout as the twelve inch blade whacked between Ruffnutt and Tuffnutt. "Cut it out! I'm trying to think!"

"Scholarly and beautiful – ow!" Snoutlout cringed as Astrid punched his sternum. "Ahh. And astonishingly strong."

"Oh everybody..." Fishlegs' three chins quivered. "Stop fighting. Remember what Chief Stoick said! We're supposed to be quiet while he holds council with Drago."

"Ha!" Astrid wrenched her axe from the Great Hall. As an afterthought she walloped the stonework, praying that Chief Stoick and Drago would hear the echo inside.

"Ha!" Astrid repeated, kicking the wall. "Drago! Stupid Drago! Who does he think he is anyway?"

"Um, a Power Hungry Master of All Things Dragon?" Fishlegs offered. He gulped under Astrid's glare. "Well...that's what Drago told us when he arrived."

"Yes!" Astrid plowed through her comrades. She pointed to the night sky. It was swarming with dragons. Their dragons. "And he also BRAIN WASHED our dragons! Look at them! Our dragons are POSSESSED! They only answer to Drago's call! Stormfly doesn't even recognize me!"

Uniformly the Vikings depressed. Astrid lowered her arm: she'd never seen her friends so down-in-the-dumps. For the love of Thor !; she'd never seen Berk so down-in-the-dumps. It was very un-Viking-like.

Glumly Astrid sat. Rethinking the past, she gazed at the flying dragons.

It had been an awful autumn – and by Viking standards, "awful" ranked somewhere between eating dragon poop and decapitation. Not awesome. Not good.

All their trouble started when Hiccup left on his crazy quest to revitalize The King of the Otherland. Although she and Hiccup weren't officially dating, Astrid qualified their parting argument as a 'lover's spat.' Sure axes had been thrown, punches had been caught, and unkind words had been said, but Astrid feared for Hiccup. His mission was futile and dangerous – what if he never came back?

"Well you're yelling at me!" Hiccup had retorted. "Why should you care if I come back?"

Astrid closed her eyes. Painfully, she remembered the words that had tumbled from her mouth. "Because I love – "

Yeah. THAT conversation had ended lickity split. Lickity split as a typhoomerang dragon sliding down a water slide (for non-Vikings – that's fast).

"Bye Astrid." Hiccup had muttered, bright red.

"Bye Hiccup." Astrid had muttered, brighter red.

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