Chapter 61: Cold Feet

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Chapter 61: Cold Feet


"Plain and clear." Impassively Agent Bubbles reiterated the previous evening's unpleasantries to King Arthur. "Admiral Triton reported suspicious pirate activity in the Northern Fantasian Sea; Lady Shadow Worker possessed an entire restaurant; Lord Hawkins hospitalized Captain Eric; and Lady Elsa is cavorting with an invisible frost phantom."

The last descriptor straightened Arthur in his seat.

"She's...? An invisible phan...?"

Arthur paused. Agent Bubbles raised a brow as the young king took a deep, steadying breath. Anger. That was new – for the king. Frustration, yes. Bewilderment, commonly. Enthusiasm, all the time. But anger...interesting.

Strenuously, Arthur reverted to a state of calm. As Archimedes flapped from the rafters, he gripped Excalibur beneath the Round Table.

"Suspicious pirate activity? Explain."

Agent Bubbles almost smiled. King Arthur was a simplistic thinker – he started with the basics. "Learning the basics" had been one of Master Merlin's pearls of wisdom, and it was one that Agent Bubbles appreciated.

"Otherland pirates." Agent Bubbles replied. "Vessel is a warship called The Princess. Captain's name is Sinbad."

Wearily, Arthur brushed his bangs. "Yes, I know. Admiral Triton told me yesterday. He seemed to think Lord Hawkins was involved with Sinbad's appearance. I granted Admiral Triton authorization to seize The Princess."

"And Hawkins?"

"Full protection."

"Really? Mind if I act as adviser, Your Majesty?"

"Go ahead." Arthur said, glaring as Archimedes protested. "But I think I know what you're going to say. You don't think I should have protected Lord Hawkins."

"About right."


"Too risky. Hawkins is a branded pirate."

"His brand came from the Battle to Take Fantasia." Arthur replied. "A war scar. Blackmail, according to Lady Siren and Lord Hawkins himself."

"Fair." Agent Bubbles consented. "That's one account. But Headmaster Mickey mistrusts Hawkins, because of his war scar."

"I know." Arthur said. "Headmaster Mickey told me. But he doesn't mistrust Lord Hawkins completely – he's just cautious. It's sort of like having secret service protection when you know your chief body guard has killed other men. You trust them, but there is always that back-burner fear. Just in case."

That time, Agent Bubbles absolutely smiled. King Arthur had won the argument by alluding to Agent Bubbles (his chief body guard), himself. Kid was quick – Cobra had to give him that.

Agent Bubbles folded his hands. "Did you know Sinbad is Hawkins' father?"

Arthur hesitated, surprised by the comment. "No. I didn't."

"Well." Agent Bubbles said. "He is."

Arthur considered. Uneasily, he spoke. "Does that change things?"

Agent Bubbles cracked a knuckle. "Could. Could not. Depends. Either way, not worth the risk. Your Majesty."

As Agent Bubbles tagged the royal title ('Your Majesty') to the end of his statement, Arthur glanced up, almost irritably. The added title was a reminder for Arthur to separate his feelings from matters of state. 

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