Chapter 43: Meeting The Boyfriend

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Chapter 43: Meeting The Boyfriend

"So. This is the mysterious boyfriend?"

"James is it? Oh dearie, don't go by Jim. It's common. Common men go nowhere – remember that."

"Oh that's adorable – he drinks sauvignon blanc with clams. Dear boy, semillon is the best white wine to go with that appetizer."

"Interesting. Where did you say your family was from?"

"You two a bar? That's..."

"Adopted siblings? Hm. Risky, your parents must be saints. Oh you've only a mother? Hm. Telling."

"Fascinating hairstyle. What do you call it?"

"Didn't care to wear a tie did you? Eh, you're a product of your station. Not your fault."

"So Ariel, how long do you plan on keeping this one -- ?"

"—or is he another crab in the bucket?"

"What is that scar?"

Jim was drowning, and he was drowning fast.

The Triton's dinner party was a bloodbath. Ariel's family swarmed him like piranhas.  It was all Jim could do to keep his nose above water.

Everything was unfamiliar, everything was disorienting.

First, the mansion itself resembled an underwater cavern. The rooms were so dim and reflective, Jim couldn't see family members as they approached. They just snuck up – like sharks.

Second, the Triton's were extravagant – almost hedonistic. There was an excessive amount of food (which no one was eating) and an open bar with oceans of liquor (which everyone was drinking). Half of the appetizers were raw, half had names Jim couldn't pronounce, and they all were supposed to be paired with the 'perfect wine.' After his first failed attempt (which was apparently very "droll"), Jim refused to indulge.

Third, Ariel's relatives were...fake. There was no other word for it. They dripped with underhanded compliments and judged him behind counterfeit smiles. The Triton Mansion was a stage, and the family members were the actors. It was an unreal situation, especially since Jim conducted himself honestly (which again the Tritons found very "droll").

Finally there were the girls. Lots and lots and LOTS of girls.

Originally, Jim hadn't been concerned; after all, Wendy was a girl she was his best friend. Moreover, his mom and Ariel were girls. Ergo, girls were principled (Wendy), tough (Mom), vivacious (Ariel) and smart (all of them). 

Cool. Easy. No sweat.


The Triton girls were giggly, gossipy, and snobby. Jim quickly learned that "intelligent conversation" was limited to lip gloss and butt aerobics. To make matters worse, they called him "Jimmy." His nightmare was complete.

Of Ariel's family, the saving grace were Attina and Kocoum. Two years married, Attina and Kocoum were a pleasant couple. Like Ariel, Attina's intelligence distinguished her from her sisters. Kocoum was a serious sort, but a breath of fresh air. Jim enjoyed their company, and he was devastated when they left.

"It was nice to see you again Jim." Attina said as Kocum offered her coat. "Take care of my little sister."

"I will."

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