Chapter 66: Big Sister

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Chapter 66: Big Sister

 "Miss Darling."

Admiral Triton's greeting was friendly as a frostbite.

"Admiral." Wendy replied. Leaning backwards she meekly met the admiral's glare. "Good afternoon. I know this is unexpected but – "

"Your call is unexpected and untimely." Admiral Triton interrupted. "State your business so we may be social and part."

Wendy's meekness disappeared. Apparently politeness was not fashionable in the Triton household this year.

"I need to speak with Ariel." Wendy lifted her chin, but it was difficult to sound authoritative to Admiral Triton, especially when he was glowering like a killer whale. "It's important. Has she returned from King Arthur's castle?"

Admiral Triton lifted a bushy brow. "This is news. I was not aware my daughter had held conference with His Majesty."

"Yes." Wendy said. "Guardian matters."

"I see." Admiral Triton's lip curled. "I trust one guardian was excluded in this charade? Per my orders?"

Wendy stiffened. "You mean Jim."

"You remember. Good, feel free to remind him – Hawkins stays away from my daughter. He and Ariel are through."

Indignation overrode Wendy's timidity. Taking a leaf from Sarah Hawkins' book, she scolded Admiral Triton.

"Admiral, I realize you have concerns, but your conduct against my family has been most unattractive. You've abused your position to insult my brother and invade my household all because of an outdated grudge. Unprofessional and disgraceful. Extremely."

Needless to say Admiral Triton was surprised. Wendy continued before he could recover.

"Jim has his moments, certainly. But he is a kind, protective, steadfast man, and you can take my word, he loves Ariel more than – "

"My regard for you Miss Darling – " Admiral Triton interjected, regaining his composure. "Has fallen in the past two days. I have little humor, and I suggest you do not test it further. I would have hoped that you of all people would see through Hawkins, but it appears you are blind as the rest."

"I'm blind?" Wendy bristled. "You've a nasty chip on your shoulder! Jim is – "

            "-- the son of a man who is responsible for my wife's death!" Admiral Triton snarled, repelling Wendy with his rage. "Like father like son, Hawkins is blessed I don't shoot him on sight! I see Sinbad in his face and with his every transgression! You think it unfair that I shield my daughter against such a kind, protective, steadfast man? Think again, Miss Darling. Jim Hawkins is a criminal by virtue of his sire. His bloodline is capable of lust, deceit and – "

Ariel ducked under Admiral Triton's arm, ending his rant. Ignoring her father, she pulled Wendy over the threshold, across the foyer, and to the stairs.

As Admiral Triton objected, Ariel paused at the base of the stairwell. Spitefully aiming her trident, she blasted a tiny diamond ring before plowing to her bedroom.

"A ring?" Calming from her confrontation with Admiral Triton, Wendy followed Ariel to her bedroom corner. "Ariel was that -- ?"

Ariel spun. Wendy staggered backwards as she pointed her trident and mouthed furiously.

"Wait – Ariel!" Wendy stumbled, startled by Ariel's aggression. "Ariel please slow down I can't read your lips! What's wrong? What did I – "

Smoke curled from Ariel's ears. Exasperated, she threw her trident. As the trident crackled, she fished her whiteboard from a pile of clothes, scribbled a message and thrust it at Wendy.

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