Chapter 13: Story Explosion

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Chapter 13: Story Explosion

"Odette." Lady Amalthea called. "Odette."

The summon faded. They waited. Nothing happened.

"Okaaay." Hiccup muttered from the corner of his mouth. "Sir Lionel? We sure this is the right lake?"

Lady Amalthea had escorted them to a glade. It was a rocky area, straddled by waterfalls and opened to the sky. The glade was depressed. Cupped in its center was a lake. Although the lake was filled by waterfalls, the water was not turbulent. Oddly, the surface shimmered like glass.

The journey had been dark, but not dismal. As The King and Lady Amalthea reacquainted, they began to flirt. The flirtation was subtle, but incredibly entertaining. Lady Amalthea gently swayed their hands. The King swung more enthusiastically. Lady Amalthea cast delicate glances. The King, unable look away, wacked into a tree.

It was so cute. Everyone thought so. Even Master Emrys felt warm and fuzzy. He stopped snapping at Schmendrick. He even started to hum. "Ba bum bump day and night...that's what makes the world go round..."

Shamelessly, Hiccup admired the pair. He wondered how The King and Lady Amalthea had interacted 100 years earlier. But after speculation, Hiccup decided their relationship probably hadn't changed. Lady Amalthea was the epitome of grace, which The King complimented with slight awkwardness.

They were charming; and they were clearly infatuated. Hiccup could have watched them forever. He was almost disappointed when they reached their destination.

Accessing the lake was the hardest part of the journey. The glade was patrolled by three talking animals: a puffin named Puffin, a turtle named Speed, and a frog named Jean-Bob. Puffin was a military lieutenant; Speed was an Olympic swimmer; Jean-Bob thought he was a prince; and all three were not happy to see them. They had been commissioned to protect the Lady of the Lake, and they were not afraid of a few stinky wizards and a fire breathing dragon.

Too bad. So sad. So there. Beat it.

Unsurprisingly, Puffin, Speed, and Jean-Bob needed convincing. A lot of convincing. However, following a kiss from Lady Amalthea (The King raised a brow), Jean-Bob granted them entry. They approached the water's edge. And Lady Amalthea called Odette - the Lady of the Lake.

But Odette did not appear.

"The moon is high." Sir Lionel looked between the lake and sky. The moon was so bright it underwhelmed the stars. "Only moonlight can reveal the Lady of the Lake. She should be here."

Sir Lionel implored The King. "Your Majesty?"

The King pondered. Contemplatively, he rubbed Lady Amalthea's hand. Then, making a silent decision, he strode into the lake.

"Odette." he called. "I am here."

Moonlight condense into molten gold. But as it gathered, the luminous water sprouted upward. Ribbons of yellow, violet, and blue swirled into a glimmering veil.

Then the water drizzled. It fell like rain as a woman rose from the lake.

The woman was slender as a swan. And in her hands, she held a sword.

"The Lady of the Lake." Entranced, Hiccup gazed at the sword. "Caliburn."

As if she could hear, Odette hefted the sword. The blade sliced across the moonlight.

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