Chapter 20: Mother Knows Best

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Chapter 20: Mother Knows Best

John Darling was –

Oops. Sorry. Let's try that again.

Mister John Darling was a starchy prude. He was a snoot and he was a snob. His suits: tailored. His shoes: polished. His glasses: spotless. His umbrella: black. His hat: a top. His timing: punctual. His ethics: faultless. His mantra: I rule. You drool.

Mister John Darling was also the youngest Minister of Finance in the history of Fantasia. Period. Valedictorian of his class and fiscal wizard, Mister John Darling was the royal economic adviser. He was responsible for tax policies, domestic finance, international trade, intranational debt, and all legal tender.

In a word: John controlled da money!

And, he was only nineteen.

Minister of Finance was a big job for a nineteen year old. But John performed it impeccably. Some would argue obsessively. Still it was a big job. So most people forgave Mister John Darling for being a snooty, snobby, starchy prude.


"Michael. Mother Sarah. Is this really necessary?"

Michael clamped John's hands. Sarah Hawkins blindfolded John with his silk tie. Then she pulled his top hat over his eyes – just in case. Together they steered John into the kitchen.

"It certainly is!" Sarah motioned, and Michael help her turn John in circles. "Michael and I have a surprise!"

"A big surprise!" Michael said. "A very, very, super, awesome, huge big surprise!"

"In a very small package!" Sarah added. "Okay Michael, enough spinning. Bring him over here."

John staggered as they lead. Unenthusiastically he sniffed.

"I smell pizza."

"Yep, yep, yep!" Michael piped. "Pepperoni and triple cheese!"

"God save the king. We'll all have indigestion. What's the occasion?"

Michael jumped off his coat tails.

"We told you John! The surprise!"

John reached for the blindfold. "Michael is terribly droll. Can I take this off now – "

"No, no! Wait! Just two more steps! Okay – " Michael squirmed with excitement. "Ready Mama Sarah?"

Sarah readied the blindefold. "On your count Michael."

"Okay! Ready John?"

"Michael I was born ready – "

"Then in onnnne.....twwoooo....." Michael clapped his hands. "THREE!"

Sarah whipped off the blindfold.


John adjusted his glasses. Apathetically he looked at the "surprise."

He blinked.

He blinked again.

He blined again, again, again.

And then –


--- And then Mister John Darling tackled his sister in a most un-ministerly display of brotherly love. Michael leapt and rode piggy back. Sarah somehow embraced all three. Dr. Doppler and Captain Amelia arrived with their four children. And Tony delivered more takeout pizza. It was going to be long happy night.

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