Chapter 10

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Gabbie's p.o.v:

School finally ended, I packed up my stuff and waited for Aubrey. I flip my head around and see her all ready, waiting for me. I smiled and started to walk towards the parking lot.

"Tanya is gonna be here for 4 more weeks" Aubrey muttered, Aubrey doesn't like Tanya anymore than I do.

I sighed and nodded, My life is gonna be a living hell.

I looked up and saw Edward leaning against his car, smiling at me.

I looked down and blushed, oh geez!! He's TANYA'S soul mate and that's all he'll ever be.

I smiled at him and said,

"Oh you think you look so hot leaning against your shiny volvo." I say, smirking.

"That's because I am" He says with a smile in his voice.

I shake my head and smile, I mutter under my breath

"I am so gonna wreck this car when i can drive"

"What was that?" Edward asked.

"Nothing" I say cheerfully and hop in the car with Aubrey.

Edward hops in the front and starts the car, the silent purr started underneath us. I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, all I saw was the fire and then Tanya. I quickly opened my eyes and breathed a silent sigh. I looked at Aubrey and she was looking out the window, into the woods.

I look out the window and I saw..wolves? Why are the pack running beside us? Does Edward know?

"What are the wolves doing here?" I question.

"We are just taking pre-cautions" he said, shrugging.

I nodded and looked back at the window, they were gone. That's when we reached the house. I quickly opened up the car door and hopped out, onto the wet pavement. I pulled my hood up and walked swiftly towards the house. I opened the door and was greeted by Momma.

"Hi Dear! How was school?" She asked.

"Fine, I got a 99 on my english test" I say casually.

She smiled, "That's great Dear!"

"Where's Daddy?" I ask.

"He's at work..Why?" She asked, her eye brows furrowed.

"No reason" I say, shrugging it off.

I wanted to talk to him, about Tanya and the reason why she doesn't like me..He should know..right?

She nodded and dropped it, she walked into the kitchen and asked.

"What do you want for a snack?"

"Brownies" I say off the top of my head.

I grabbed my backpack and headed up the stairs, to my room. Aubrey tagged along. I opened the door and saw my room, perfectly clean. I smile and shake my head, I would've done my room I thought towards Momma. I heard her bell pitched laugh downstairs.

I throw my bag on my bed, starting on my homework. I quickly finished it and looked at Aubrey who was still doing her homework. I grab my lap top and decide to check my email.

From:Grace Stephens

Hey Gabbie! Everybody is planning on going to the bonfire in? Ben will be there;) Haha well write back! Bye!

I sigh and shake my head, yes these emails come to me all the time. Grace is the head cheerleader and is on the band, she is a flag person. Yeah, they expect me to be 'popular' but I don't want it..I rather be ignored. People I don't even know say Hi Gabbie! Like really? I don't be mean but how do they know my name? Anyway, I delete the email and read the next one.

From: Angel Robins

Hey Gabbie...We haven't talked in a while..Maybe we could hang out some time?:) Write back

I liked Angel..she was quiet, like me. She likes reading like me also, I wrote her back.

To:Angel Robins

Hey Angel:) yeah I know we haven't talked in a bout we go book shopping next weekend:)?

and I pressed send. I close my laptop, looking at Aubrey, she just finished. I smiled and asked.

"Wanna go downstairs and play wii?"

"Sure" Aubrey agreed willingly

I walked down the stairs and turned on the wii and controllers, I grabbed Mario Kart and slid it in. I handed Aubrey a controller and sat down on the couch. We started to play.

"Eddie let's go hunting...alone" She empasized, taking a glance at me.

I glared at her and I really did wanna make her burn, like the day she got changed, but that's not how Momma raised me, I only use that power for certain purposes. I sigh and look back at the t.v screen.

"But I just went Tanya." Edward said, aggravated.

I held back a smile, listening in on their conversation. I looked at them and Tanya was angry, I really wanted to laugh but I held it back.

"Well can you still at least go?" Tanya asked, pleading.

"Take Emmett or Jasper to go..I just went." Edward said.

"They're gone" Tanya said matter-of-factly.

"Ugh..Fine, I'll go." He said, annoyed.

I frowned and glared at Tanya, she was just annoying! I just wanna kick her out but, 'The Denali's are family' as everybody says.

Edward looked at me and smiled,

"I'll be back soon."

I smiled and nodded, they walked out the door. I put my controller down.

"Where are you going?" Aubrey questioned.

I walked up to the room where Tanya was 'staying' in. I open the door and look around, I spot a little book sticking out. Bingo. I walked over towards the book and picked it up quietly. I opened the book and gasped it said..........

Cliffy!!! yes:) I know I was doing homework, then I found my way to come onto the site!:D Geez, I am addicted to Wattpad. And sorry it's short.. I wanted to have a cliffhanger(; Well, I didn't care that I only got 2 comment but I just wanted to upload...Well you know to




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Oh yeah, I want at least 3 VOTES to upload the next chapter;) I am not gonna give in this time:)

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