Chapter 8

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Gabbie's p.o.v

"You stink!" Aubrey wrinkles her nose.

I laugh and push her,

"You should talk!"

She laughed and I started to go up the steps to take a shower.

"Hey wanna sleepover?" I ask.

She shrugs and says, "Sure".

"Momma can Aubrey stay for the night?" I yelled.

That's when I heard Momma say,

"Sure Sweetie"

I smile and run up the steps, into my room. I close the door and went into my closet, I grabbed my green and blue flanel pants and grabbed a blue cami, I also grabbed a bra and a pair of panties. I looked at Aubrey and said,

"I'll be right out..Do what you want"

and I walk into my bathroom and close the door. I put my clothes on the vanity. I turned on the water and hopped in, I turned up the heat because it was freezing. I washed my hair and body. I grabbed my face cleanser and washed my face.

I hop out of the shower and wrap up in a towel and wrapped my hair in a towel too. I got dressed and then I threw my dirty towels into the hamper. I walked out and saw Aubrey playing black ops on the xbox 360. I looked at the tv and heard Aubrey talking to someone in the headset.

"Who are you playing against?" I asked.

She didn't even look at me, "Emmett" she answers.

I smile and shake my head. I sit on my bed and start to braid my hair, Alice taught me how to french braid. I grabbed a hair tie and put it at the end of the braid. I grab my dirty clothes and throw them into my hamper.

I grab a controller and turn it on. I sit next to Aubrey and start to play black ops...

"Hey is it ok if I take a shower?" Aubrey asks.

I nod and watch her grab her clothes and walk into the bathroom. I turn off the controllers and the xbox. I flop onto my bed and pull out my journal.

"Hey it's me again, My life got better and then got worse. My father is dead, is that a good thing? I think so but there is something telling me..he is still alive. They told me he was dead and was never going to hurt me again. And now there is another problem..Tanya. What am I going to do? Of course Edward likes her! She is pretty and she is so nice to him..she hates me. I have no clue why? and she won't tell me. I guess I don't want to know either...But I am starting to fall IN love with Edward! Tanya is his soul mate and there is no way I can do that..She'll rip my head off! And then Edward...He is everything I want and need. Why would he even like me?!? Ugh! this is giving me a big headache..Im going to bed. GoodNight. Love, Gabbie."

I slid the journal back into it's hiding spot and looked around. What to do...Prank someone? But who..

Aubrey walked out drying her hair. She quickly pulled it up and sat next to me.

"What do you want to do?" She asks.

I smile devilishly and look at her,

"Prank?" I question.

She smiles devilishly and nods. This is gonna be fun!

**12 minutes later**


"Yeah lets do it!" Aubrey jumped up and down.

I laugh and start down the stairs. I look around and nobody was there. Good. I look out the window and see Jake and Bella talking and kissing. Eww.

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