Chapter 13: Try to Catch Me

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Author's Note: Sorry if this was a long wait, but I have no laptop so my home is the only time I can type. Annoying -_-


I layed down on my stomach with and ice pack on my butt.

"Don't be mad. Hey at least it was your ass and not a hand. Plus it's only bruised, I don't think you can break your butt, or can you", Cynthia said handing me another ice pack.

"That's not the issue, I told you not to drop me. Now I have a bruised up butt and might never be able to sit right again. How did you guys manage to not catch me?"

"Idk; we managed to throw you up in the air fine. I think it was because you didn't do that toe touch crap. You did a flip instead, maybe that threw your landing off. We did technically catch you... well half of you. The other half landed on the ground", she said. "If you think cheering hurts, you should see the football players. Since the allowed anyone to sign-up to be on the team, the coach has to train all of them. I heard he's working them hard", she added.

"Anybody home", I heard me dad say from downstairs.

"Up here", I yelled. He walked into my room looking confused.

"What up with the ice pack, did someone kick your butt, literally?"

"Very funny dad. I fell in practice, you know for the turkey bowl; the whole cheer thing", I told him.

"Hope your cheek gets better", he said as he closed the door. As soon as the door shut I heard him laugh. I threw my shoe at the door, telling him to shut up, but that didn't stop Cynthia from laughing.

"Shouldn't you be going home now", I told.

"I should, but I'm not. Justin is picking me up and before you go all mother on me, I know what I'm getting into. I'm not looking for a long-term thing. Just some fun", she said with a smile.

"For someone who hates cheerleaders, you sure are acting a lot like one." I couldn't help it slipped out.

"What do you mean acting like one", she asked surprised by what I said.

"Some fun, Cynthia really, at least Angela can stick with one guy."

"But apparently you can't. Face it Jade your more of a cheer slut than your sister", she said grabbing her bag and leaving then slamming the door on the way out. I stayed in my room the rest of the day. Not even coming out to eat. I was too angry, to hurt by what Cynthia said, I never thought she would use it like that. My dad came up to my room; I guess hiding in my room all day worried my family.

As soon as I heard the door knob move I pulled the covers over myself and pretended to be asleep. He opened the door, "Are you gonna come down to eat", he asked. My failure to respond told him everything.

"You can't be upset forever", he said before closing the door. I don't really remember when I fell asleep, but I woken up by my dad shaking me to wake up because I was gonna be late for school. I got up and rushed through my morning routine and while I was throwing anything I could find to wear it hit me. My best friend called me a slut yesterday. Why am I rushing? There's nothing really good about school anymore. I walked downstairs not even bothering to eat breakfast.

"Still too upset to eat", my dad asked as I opened the front door. I walked back and sat down. He smiled and gave me cereal. I didn't realize how hungry I was until my dad told me to leave some for Angela. I smiled, kissed him goodbye on the cheek and left. I got to school and walked to my locker. I turned the corner and saw Cynthia standing there. I didn't want to start anything so early, so I turned around and walked in the other direction, not before I bumped straight into Justin.

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