Chapter 16: The Truth

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Author's Note: Well it's a little short, but I hope you enjoy.


After the dinner Rachel and I went to the den to talk while everyone else went to the living room. That's when my dad began the interrogation on Damien.

"So are you going to tell him", Rachel asked.

"Tell what?"

"Don't play dumb with me", she said giving me a look.

"I can't he's having a kid with Angela, I don't wanna ruin it for them."

"I may not have kids, but I've taken care of enough kids and teens to have a motherly instinct and it's telling me that you should tell him. That way you have closure and you should also tell you dad about your dream about the woman. If things go wrong I'll be here and I will take the blame."

"I hate when you make sense", I said getting up. Before we could say anything else my dad busted in and invited us to join them. He insisted the questioning was over. Rachel laughed while I just rolled my eyes at his attempt of being funny. My dad brought out a bottle wine. It's gonna be one of those days. Kate wanted to make Rachel seem less than her. She asked what Rachel worked as and how much she made. Then Kate threw in what she worked as and how she travels a lot with her business and what a luxury her job is. I expected Rachel to do something like throw the wine at her like I would but she remained calm. With every failed attempt Kate drank more and more.

"How dare you bring this woman in this house", Kate said trying to stand up.

"Oh God, she's drunk of her ass", I said putting my hand to my forehead. We all tried to make out what she was saying, but her words were slurred.

"I'm guessing this is when I leave. I wanna avoid getting anything thrown on me", Rachel said getting up.

"Too late Rachel", Kate said throwing her glass of wine at her. I saw it in slow motion, but it happened so fast. Surprisingly, Rachel didn't do anything she just looked down at her dress.

"Well at least it's red wine", she joked.

"I am so sorry", I said getting up to grab a napkin.

"It's fine. It was nice of you to have me, but it think I should really get going", she said getting up. My dad walked her out and I stayed to scowl Kate.

"Are you freaking kidding me Kate? What the hell is your problem?" I was already shouting at this point.

"Don't sream at me youn lady", she said in slurred tone. My dad came back and carried Kate upstairs.

"And then there were three or should I say four", Angela said touching her stomach.

"No it's three, I'm out", I said getting up. As I walked upstairs I passed my dad. He had blankets and a pillow in his hands.

"Don't tell me a certain someone is staying here in the guest room."

"He's not, I am. Damien is sleeping on the couch. I'm not going to sleep with Kate tonight", he said with an angry tone. I could tell he was mad because he never called Kate by her name. It was always 'your mother'. I didn't say anything, instead I kept walking upstairs. When I got to my room I threw myself on the bed. Man I missed my bed, the hospital beds were always so uncomfortable.

I looked up and saw all the banners. I got up and tore everything down. I didn't have to pretend I had a perfect family anymore, plus that was ruined when the bottle of wine was pulled out. I didn't want to leave all the trash in my bedroom so I decided to go downstairs and grab a broom and dustpan. When I got back to my room Damien was standing at my doorway.

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