Chapter 18: Try This On

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My busy vacation week had ended and my busy school life was back on track. Ms. Bredahoft offered to take over the planning of Winter Formal, but I said no. Planning winter formal was a perfect way to keep busy. I had spent the first week in the office for medical reasons, the doctor thought I wasn't ready to be back in the social environment so he called up my school to keep me in the office for a while. Then the next week was because I needed a quiet place to plan everything. By Friday of the second week I was completely done with everything I was supposed to do.

I managed to keep up with my work, so none of the teachers had issues with me leaving. This was great, seeing that I had a couple of classes with Damien and since I was so busy, I was able to use that excuse each time Collin tired to talk to me. I spent lunch outside with Cynthia, but we hid underneath the bleachers. Cynthia and Rachel were the only two people I trusted and hanging with them was the only time I was actually ever happy and laughing. Cynthia had broken off whatever fling she had with Justin after she realized what a dog he was, so we were both single. Everything seemed to be returning back to normal.

Well, not completely normal; word had gotten out that Angela was pregnant and that she was the reason I ended up in the hospital. Apparently she had only told the cheerleaders, but since they were all gossip whores word got out. Her so called friends had abandoned her, so the only person she hung out with was Damien. No matter what she did, he couldn't turn her away, since he was dad, it would make him look like a giant jackass. Looks like he was still obsessed with how people saw him. Some things never change. When lunch was over I went to Ms. Bredahoft's class and told her I was done, so she sent me to seventh period. I forgot Damien was in that class until I opened the door. I wanted to slam it shut and run back down to the office, but before I could the teacher called me.

"Ah, Miss Santini I take it you are done with the office work and you're ready to join my class once again", Mr. Polamer said. I nodded and gave him my note. He told me to take my seat, but my usual seat upfront was taken, only empty seat was by Damien. Just my luck.

"Well we don't have enough copies today so you're just going to have to share with Damien. Oh and before I forget, I hope you two get along because he is your partner for the final project."

"Great", I whispered. I spaced out during the class because I had already done this assignment. The bell brought me back to reality.

"Jade, are you there", Damien asked. I didn't hear him calling my name until now.

"Sorry I spaced out. What do you want?" I know I sounded cold, but I didn't want things to go back to how things used to be.

"Do you want to work on the project at my place or yours?"

"How about at school? It's nice and public", I wanted to eliminate any chance of us being alone.

"Ok, what about on weekends, where do we work then?"


"What if the library is closed?" Someone did their research I thought to myself.

"Ugh fine at your place." I didn't want to be at my house especially with Damien while a very hormonal and pregnant Angela was around. I walked to Ms. Bredahoft's class only to be sent back down, with Cynthia, to the office. Since we were both done with our parts, Ms. Bredahoft volunteered us as a Teacher's Assistance. They sent us with the body dynamics teacher. Even though we were just TAs the teacher still wanted us to wear exercise clothes. Luckily we had our jogging clothes with us. We walked back out to the track after getting dressed. He handed is a clipboard with a bunch of numbers and a stopwatch.

"Cynthia, you take their numbers each time they pass you and Jade, you time them, it's a 30 minute run", he said, and then he walked into his office.

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