Chapter 89/Resistance/Either the Zombies are revolting or it's mass flatulence

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A/N We are running headlong into the ending. So expect lots of action until the end ( which isn't far off). 

Liberty City/Area still proudly called Nebraska

Jenny's POV

Using my finely honed ninja skills I followed them towards the gatehouse. There was a small doorway in the big metal gate which was unlocked with a physical key. I was hanging back safely so far back, I couldn't hear what they were saying. One of the officers the held the door back allowing everyone through and instead of closing it, let it go allowing the spring to close it for him. As soon as he turned his back I sprinted forwards and stop the door just before it shut. I was outside of the perimeter fence and rolled behind a bush the gate shutting and locking behind me.

Nina and the others were carrying camouflage umbrellas to hide their body movements and body heat from satellites and surveillance systems. They walked down well worn path through the forest. I crept after them for the forty minutes. From the forest, I could see the white sides of the chicken sheds beyond. Nina and the others stood near the road near the chicken sheds and waited.

Suddenly an Osprey swept in from the sky. It tilted its rotors back quickly and landed heavily. I hid behind some barrels and watched. The Nina it was now being followed by three large wolves. Clearly the people she went out with had transformed. She was obviously expecting to greet somebody departing from the plane. The back door ramp lowered and down drifted a group of animal cyborgs. Except that they didn't behave sensibly they drifted around. Two wolves then herded the animal cyborgs towards an open-door. I could hear the cyborgs moan 'ack' mumble just like Zom did. Looking closely they were moving like the Zombie pig well. Were they zombies like Zom? Herding the zombies out of the Osprey was a slave. She was walking correctly and seemed to be normal i.e. not a zombie. With her were a couple of men who looked to be collaborators or at least they didn't have collars. Then one of the men pulled some slaves off the plane, they looked completely spaced out. Rockwood had shown me videos of slaves like this was the final stage of what a slave who had consumed too much Oblivion. Their brains chewed and spat out by to much obedience.

"16 as promised," said the slave girl. "do you have what we agreed."

"What about the food ?" said Alpha.

To collaborator men wheeled three large boxes Down the ramps.

"The rest will come when we pick the girl up in the morning," said the slave.

My mind was blasting through this. Nina was going to send me back to the robots! This woman was definitely off my Christmas card list. as soon as Facebook was re-established I would de-friend her with extreme prejudice. In fact, I might friend her just to de-friend her in the biggest way possible.

The Nina seemed pleased with the contents of the food bins and waved to something in the distance. A Winnebago RV came over and two men in yellow bio-contamination suits got out. They pushed a barrel on a handcart up into the plane. I had been careful to choose a location downwind. If I had been upwind then the wolves would have probably smelt me. Now only got a strong whiff of what was in the barrel, it was the distinctive aroma of Oblivion. I watched as the two men in the contamination suits walked back to Winnebago R.V . I moved closer to the RV. I caught the smell of chemicals and more oblivion. The RV must be some kind of mobile laboratory this is where the Oblivion was being brewed.

But why would be resistance the brewing and obedience chemical for the benefit of the slave owners?

"And the blood?" said the slave.

One of the werewolves which had herded the slaves off in wolf form came back in human form pushing a large cart. This contained hundreds of blood bags. He unloaded them then went back for more, in 20 minutes a truck Load blood bags what were loaded on the plane. The Alpha was trading with either the collaborators or the robots, they were brewing Oblivion in exchange for animals turned into zombies, and oblivion blasted slaves. What on earth were the Resistance up to? I slowly change my position and got a better view of the slave talking to the Alpha.

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