Chapter 60/Him/Bear necessities

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A/N: Special Halloween cover for all those bad girls out there, keep your freak on. 

We said we would send out a chapter today and we are creatures of our word. By the way, can we say what a dumb move this is? Read the book on Wattpad publishing and the tell you never to publish prematurely. Yeh, but to be honest we found this too hard to not press that big orange button. Does it push the plot forward? - yeah a bit not much, Did Reb need a drink of water after while reading it out over skype to me? Yep. Did she nearly laugh so hard she nearly fused her own laptop -possibly? OK we are pretty crazy people, maybe you'll get it maybe not. Thanks for the huge response to Chapter 59 Cinder burn : 554 reads in one day is some kind of record. Thanks from the bottom of our hearts for sticking with Pet.

Video: **Never** as a video on wattpad ever most reflected the chapter contents. This is what the video feature was meant for.  BabyMetal Gimme chocolate!! Think of it as Cyborg's pet in song form.

Picture: Haven't had any futuristic slave outfits for a while, You know. Color reminds me of something.

21 seconds into the future: NMO date: 0002.7182

Planet 01/Region 01/Washington 2.0/Rockwood Hall/Room 404/Slave bed

Jenny's POV.

A few days later I was just coming too after my mid-morning nap. It was a quite day OK, you try being a pet. I get quiet days okay? Yeh even Pixel has low battery days right?

I was woken up by my collar telling me that someone was approaching. Incomes Kayla and Joe on their lunch break.

"Can we use your table I want to have a second opinion on how dumb my boyfriend is?" said, Kayla.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Get your table out and I'll show you," said  Kayla.

I asked my collar to access the wall to show the digital table. Joe reluctantly sent his slave stream to the table. At first, the video is blank but that because we are not allowed to see a video of him 'at work' Kayla flicks through the video and starts from last night but there is a picture of a robot there.

"What's going on?" I asked

"Mr cinder here had a date with a robot last night," said Kayla.

"Robots have emotional needs too," said Joe.

"You're seriously going to believe that colour crap? There's only one thing that a robot ones out of people, and it is not your ability as a cook. They want blood. Mostly your blood. After they've got your blood, then they want you to do everything they've seen on dark side of the Internet." Kayla said.

"I'm short of detail guys can you fill me in?" I said.

"Remember it turns out that as a perk for working here the robots can put themselves on to Cinder. They can't force you to do anything but if you consent you can end up being their girlfriend. Mr Genius here only had to stick to the usual plan. Turn up, have dinner, say no thank you and goodbye" Kayla said

While Kayla was saying all this to me, Joe was flicking backwards and forwards in the video stream trying to get to the bits he remembered. This time he was sitting in some kind of booth, the robot who was an 8ft tall Paradise systems slave control robot sat opposite. The control systems we called overseers were bipedal. They had heads with about five eyes of different sizes and the personality of gangster rapper who got fired when they worked for the Nazis.

We watched the slave cam stream


"Hi - I'm Kijo," said the robot on the slave stream video as he sat down

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