I Miss You.

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"You're there?" 

"Yep! Been here about an hour sweetie." Alex answered. 

"What's it like?" I answered happily.

"Well...all I'm seeing is a crappy venue surrounded by dustbins, so not as we expected." He chuckled.

"Oh." I answered bluntly, unsure of what to say. 

"I miss you." He whispered.

"I miss you too." I sighed, throwing my head back against the wall. 

"Only 5 weeks left eh?" He said optimistically. 

"Yep...5 weeks." I said, kicking a stone away from me. 

"Chin up darling, I'll be home soon." He said brightly. 

"I better go...good luck for later!" I smiled. 

"I love you." He said softly. 

"Love you too Gaskarth." I chuckled weakly. 

The line cut out leaving me sat in the shop alone once more, the giant stack of paper work was mocking me in the corner. I sighed and grabbed a pen, beginning to sign things off, when Taylor strolled in. 

"Hello my lady." He grinned. 

"Since when did you call me that?" I laughed. 

"I don't, but it cheered you up right?" He winked. 

"And that's why you're my favourite." I grinned, standing up and brushing myself off. 

"You spoke to him today?" He inquired. 

"Yeah, like a couple minutes ago." I smiled. 

"How's New York?" He asked. 

"Crappy, apparently." I shrugged. 

"Oh...well at you're still talking." He smiled.

"Why wouldn't we be?" I frowned.

"You read a lot, what usually happens?" He said, rolling his eyes. 

"Oh, right." I whispered, pushing past him and grabbing my rucksack. 

I walked out the shop to be greeted with a raging thunderstorm, sighing, I tightened the grip on my bag and ran for it. I loved thunderstorms - don't get be wrong - be being in the middle of one? Not so much fun. 

"You're all wet! Wait outside till you dry off! I've got company and you're making me look bad!" Chelsea screamed in my face as I opened the front door. 

"Chelsea I'll just get wetter - it's pouring down!" I sighed.

"Don't care!" She smirked, before slamming the door in my face. 

"Dammit." I frowned, looking up at the black sky. 

I walked to the back of the house and tried to figure out how Alex had climbed up to my room that night. I looked at the guttering and sighed, realising that was going to be my only way in. I latched myself onto the drain pipe and pulled myself up until I was at my window ledge. After aimlessly pushing and tugging the window, it eventually opened, allowing me to tumble inside breathlessly.

'Because when I'm with you, I feel like I'm right at home...' 

I fumbled around trying to find my phone in my rucksack, my hands were shaking from the cold and I was still dripping wet. 

"Alex?" I said frantically, eventually finding it. 

"Ivory? You okay? Taylor texted me saying you were upset." He said quickly.

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