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"Taylor, can I go?" I asked, throwing my dirty cloth over my shoulder and wiping my grease covered hands on my overalls. I had been working at the shop for a good 2 hours now, even though the clock had just hit 8:00am. 

"Sure Ivory-G, have a good day." He called back from his office. 

Let me introduce myself, my name is Ivory Grace and I am 16 years old. I am not your stereotypical tomboy, nor your typical teenage girl, I'm just me. I currently attend Heritage High School in Maryland, Baltimore, but work at Mike's Mechanic's majority of my time. 

Mike's Mechanic's is owned by a man named Mike Miles, he's old, he's rich yet he's the kindest man on Earth. I work alongside Taylor Dignam, the 19 year old heartthrob of Baltimore and Matt Barker, 'the hot one's friend'. Taylor and Matt had adopted themselves as my 'brothers' despite me only actually having an older sister. They were the best friends anyone could ever wish for, however they were also probably the reason to why I was lacking in the friends department with people my own age from school. 

Now don't get me wrong, I wasn't hated, people just didn't talk to me. I was yet to know the reason why, but guessed it was due to the fact I'm usually fixing cars or reading. Quite the 'Social Outcast' some would say. 

After changing from my once white overalls to a baggy Blink 182 shirt and some black skinny jeans, I began my walk to school, plugging in my ipod to fill the silence. A good 20 minute walk later I was approaching my destination. The usual crowds stood in their places, the older girls next to the car park waiting for the older guys to drive in. The geeks waiting by the library so they could retreat to safety and the sports team waiting by the gym to hang their new trophy. I observed them all as I walked, rolling my eyes at my own sister who was currently lent over James Smith's car in the parking lot. 

I arrived at my locker and grabbed the books I'd need, slipping my battered copy of Peter Pan between them also. My walk to homeroom didn't take long, and usually it was uneventful, except today I seemed to be the center of every kids attention. They were smirking and giggling, pointing to their heads before bursting into hysterics. I rolled my eyes again, opening the door to Mr. Farmer's room.

The room was as it usually was at 8:30, practically empty. Mr. Farmer nodded at me with a smile as I took my place next to the window at the back. Across from me sat Alex Gaskarth and Rian Dawson, they both shot me a small smile before continuing to discuss their favourite New Found Glory album. Alex and Rian were part of a band, that I knew. They were friends with Jack Barakat and some Zack kid who didn't go to our school. I'd never heard their stuff, but they were nice enough.

I opened my book and continued to read on from where I was while the rest of the class filed in. 

'The pirates disappeared among the tree's, and in a moment their captain and Smee were alone. Hook heaved a heavy sigh; and I know not why it was, perhaps it was because of the soft beauty of the eveni-'

"Ivory, sweetheart, you got a little, uh, black stuff on your head." Mr. Farmer coughed from the front of the class, bringing me back to reality. 

My cheeks turned pink as all eyes fell on me, I touched my forehead and inspected my finger to see black oil smudged over my pale skin. Sighing, I continued to wipe it until I realised I was only smudging it further and I'd just made it worse. Laughter filled the room as I realised this, I glanced to my side to see Rian and Alex sending sympathetic looks my way, but shrugged them off and stood up. 

"Bathroom card?" I sighed, Mr. Farmers handed it over, allowing me to walk to the bathroom and get the oil off my face. I wasn't surprised, I was always covered in the stuff, and to be honest I didn't see the funny side, but obviously everyone else did. 

"Crap." I cursed as the bell went, signaling for me to get to my next class. I dashed out the bathroom and ran down the hallway, the continuous flow of students making it harder to get back to retrieve my stuff before I was late. 




In a second I was inside an empty classroom, breathing heavily and slightly terrified. I looked up from behind my hair and saw Alex stood in front of me smiling, holding my bag and beloved book in his hands. 

"Alex! W-What? Uh-"

"You left your stuff, so I picked it up for you." He smiled sheepishly. 

"T-Thank you." I said, sending him a small smile. 

"So um, I know we've never exactly spoken before but uh- if you want you could come eat lunch with us?"

"I, uh, thanks but I don't want to intrude." I said politely.

"You won't be, Jack freaked out when he saw your shirt this morning, it'll be nice for some female company." He smiled.

"Uh- sure I guess..." I said nervously.

"Great!" He grinned, handing over my bag and book. 

"That book's cool by the way, I like the look of it." He said, motioning to my beloved thing. 

"Thanks." I said, becoming aware of how late it was and how fast I was going to have to run to get to music. 

"Well I better go, y'know, get to class, what do you have?" He asked.

"Music." I mumbled. 

"Me too!" He said, just as the second bell rang.

"Crap!" We both said, darting out the classroom and running to the music halls. 

Luckily for me, the teacher hadn't arrived yet so I slipped into my class without hassle. Alex however was being yelled at in his class. He was in the computer rooms today while I was performing. I thought back to the previous happenings and smiled.

Someone spoke to me. 

Someone thought of me. 

And from then on, I wasn't dreading lunch. 

Saving Grace. [Alex Gaskarth]Where stories live. Discover now