Chapter 43

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Lucas looked at my phone before grabbing it to watch the video. He looked quite shocked to see himself with Maya. "Are you sure that's me?" He asked. "Yes, I'm positive"

Lucas looked at me and then sighed. "Its kinda coming back to me"

"Your memory?"

"Yeah, I remember my parents, Lola, you, my childhood. It's weird how I can't remember her, yet I feel like we're connected in some way"

I nodded. "Get some rest and I'll be back tomorrow"

"Okay," And with that Lucas closed his eyes and was quickly fast asleep.

I opened his room and left, walking all the way back to my apartment, thinking about how Lucas couldn't remember Maya.

They're soulmates. Bonded by the force destiny. It's beyond weird how he doesn't remember her; it's crazy. Amnesia has it's way, though. It can obliterate love in seconds. I just hope Lucas will remember soon it else Maya will be forever broken.

I walked down the street and decided to stop by the nearest chinese restaurant to the hospital. I opened the door and walked inside. I ordered a simple meal: chicken wings and fries. I payed for the meal and waited for it until someone tapped me. I turned around, slightly shocked.

"Ethan?" I said, gasping a little.

"Yours truly. How are ya?" Ethan replied.

I hugged him. "Good. You?"

"I could be better"

"What are you doing in California?"

"Visiting family. And what are you doing in California? I thought you were in New York"

I grabbed my food from the counter and walked towards the door with Ethan right by my side. "Well, I found a job here and I started a life with Farkle. We have a daughter"

Ethan chuckled a bit. "Well, you and Farkle were always destined for eachother"

I smiled. "Yeah, I guess we are"


A/N: is anyone else loving how I ended with a tiny piece of Riarkle? okay, so he's back. the guy from Maya's past is back. hmm...i smell drama!!



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