Chapter 16

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"What do you mean 'everything'?" Lucas asked, nervous.

"Ethan Allen is a guy in my past"

I didn't want to bring Lucas into my past. I didn't like my past and the past is past.

"Do you mind elaborating?"

"Just forget it. Its Riley and I's problem. Not yours" I said, defensive a little.

"Okay" Lucas said, quietly.

"Now, can we please do something else?" I asked, turning to Kayla.

"Do you want to go shopping?" Kayla suggested.


"But," Kayla started, turning to Lucas and Grayson, who had just come into the room. "We need someone to hold our bags"

I grinned. "Yes, yes we do. Us girls can't hold all those bags by ourselves"

Lucas huffed. "No way"

"Please for me" I said, pouting a little.

Lucas thought for a while. "Fine"

"Graaaaaysonn," Kayla said, turning to him. "What about you?"

Grayson looked at Lucas and Lucas gave him a reassuring look. "Fine"

"Yay!" Kayla and I yelled.



(A/N: first point of view change in a chapter)

After we finished shopping, Maya and I went back to our apartment. All throughout shopping, all I thought of was: who is Ethan Allen? I didn't really want to ask Maya or Riley because it seems clear that neither of them would answer it, so I thought of Farkle. Now, Farkle and I weren't close so I don't think he'd tell me if he knew. I decided to just ask Maya instead.

Maya had went to her room to change into more comfortable clothes and when she had finished she came down. At first, I didn't notice her coming down because I was stalking Lola. Then, Maya sat down next to me and that's when I finally noticed her presence.

I quickly put down my phone. "Sorry, I--I was on my phone" I said, hesitant a little.

Maya smiled. "That's fine. What were you doing on your phone?". When Maya asked, it almost seemed as if she was trying to force a conversation. Had she sense I was thinking about Ethan?

"Oh nothing. I just went on Twitter and started to stalk my sister"

"Oh" Maya said, staring at the floor.


"Well," she started. "Why don't you ask her to visit you in California?"

I looked at her, confused almost. "You mean: invite her here. California?"

"Sure, why not. Your always stalking her anyways. Besides, I'd love to meet her"

"Well, Ill to ask but I doubt she'll agree"

Maya sighed. "Just ask, Lucas"

Maya got up and walked over to the fridge. She scanned it for food and there was nothing there.

"Im ordering pizza" She yelled from the kitchen.


We ate pizza and didn't really talk much. We already knew a lot about eachother so there wasn't really much to learn that is new about Maya.

"Hey Lucas?" She finally asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah Maya"

She stood there. She opened her mouth, after a while, and started to speak. "Ethan Allen is a guy I used to hang out with in High School. He was somewhat of a bad influence on me and Riley always tried to persuade me not to hang out with him but I didn't see anything that was wrong with him. His charisma blocked everything that was wrong with him. And I don't know but I ended up leaving him after realizing that he wasn't good for me. But he made me feel better because my mom had died and--" She stopped and tears started to pour out.

I went over and hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "It's okay, you didn't need to tell me that. I was curious before but now Im not" I lied. She didn't need to know I was thinking about Ethan and what he had to do with Maya's past.

We hugged until she ended up going to sleep on my shoulder. I carried her on my back and opened my room and put her on my bed. Her room was all the way at the end of the hall and I started to get tired.

I sat down on the floor and stared at the wall. She's okay right I thought.


A/N: So, Ethan Allen? (he's so coming back to this story)

Another Lucaya chapter, sorry Riarkle lovers. I promise the next chapters are Riarkle.

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