Jaime The Stripper and Deja Vu

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The picture is Kourtnie. Yes it is meant to be Kourtnie I just forgot the N in the picture and I was too lazy to do it over again.

Wattpad is being a pain in my ass. It's messing my shit up and literally deleted almost all of this chapter so I apoligize if its shitty. I have bad memory so I'll probably forget half of what I wrote. I had down almost two thousand words for just half of the chapter but now, I doubt it'll be long. Im so sorry for all the weeks i didnt update on time but the schedual is back on track and everything will be fine. Love you. (Sorry for spelling errors)


It's time to party! Fuck yes, we havent partied in a long time.

Aliza came about thirty minutes ago, she seemed very.... upset yet beyond happy. Her eyes showed she was crying but that little sparkle showed she was extremely happy as she attacked me with hugs.

Tony already got ready, thank god. He spent all day in there, even after Jaxin left him alone. It doesn't surprise me though, he's always in there.
Jaxin stayed, he said, "I don't want to miss this party!" Also, after Jaxin went to talk to Tony, I got to meet Mike's and Jaime's lady friends. I wondered who that red hair belonged to.

Anyways, I'm currently looking for my girlfriend in this massive house filled with people. Half of these people don't even know honestly. Actually, scratch that, more than half of these people. Plus, there's way more girls than I expected. I wanted a decent party with a few girls but apparently, this is turning into a crazy party, crazy party. Sick party, in under an hour!

I looked around and found multiple bands, Sleeping With Sirens, Bring Me The Horizon, and Escape The Fate. I didnt know BMTH and ETF were around, probably have a tour or something.

I quickly spotted Llama talking to Kellin near the kitchen counter and made my way towards them. She was drinking some beer while Kellin talked. As I neared, Kellin noticed me and flashed me a smile while waving. I gladly returned it and greeted him.

"What's up Kellin!" I said as we bro hugged and fist pumped. "Hey Vic. Just talking to this young lady by the name of Aliza." He said gesturing to Llama who was gladly downing her drink. I nodded and chuckled. He must not know I know her.

I took this time to take im her outfit. Her hair wad down in it's natural brown waves. A black top was tucked in a pair of high wasted ligh blue jean shorts. Underneath her shorts were fishnet leggings topped of with black Vans. Damn, even with a simple outfit like this, she looks stunning.

"Yeah, I know man." I said as I hugged her. She smiled and walked off towards Joey, Jaime's lady friend. My eyes followed her body as she weaved her way in the crowd towards the pink/purple haired girl.

Kellin chuckled as he noticed my gaze was looked on her. "You like her?" Oh Kellin, so late. I chuckled. "She is really pretty." He stated. I nodded, completely agreeing with him.

"Really funny and nice, she's chill and likes to have fun, I can tell." He continued. As he continued to talk, I just 'mhm' and nodded here and there agreeing with him. Oh Kellin, she is all of that and much more, you don't even know.

"Damn, with her personality, body, and taste, she can't not have a boyfriend. Whoever she's dating is lucky." He finished. I chuckled omce more and nodded. "Yep, I sure am one hell of a lucky guy." I stated with a smirk.

I turned my head to face him and saw the shocked, wide eyed, red Kellin Quinn. "I-I didn't k-"

"It's ok, Kellin." I said, cutting him off. I patted his back and chuckled. I returned to my position and grabbed a drink off the tray Mike had. Wow, we have a server now? Amazing Mike.

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