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The picture is Christina. Ok so let me explain, that person in the picture is the same person as Maryjane. So basically, both photos are of the same person but at different times. So for this story,this picture will be christina. Youll understand later... btw, for the story, picture her without those tattoos and picture her with two whole sleeves of different creative tattoos. Same face, different weight, same height, different hair, same birthday, different voices, same music taste, different history, different tattoos. OK? Ok.


I woke up to my alarm. "Fucking shit." I sighed and got out of bed. It was already 7:00 am so David already left to work. Yes! I won't havr to deal with his shit! Well, he did seem calm yesterday. Probably good moods.
I got up and stretched, making a weird yelping noise. What to wear, what to wear. I thought. As I looked through my closet, I blasted Metallica through the room.

I sang along with the lyrics of Master Of Puppets and danced around as I walked to the bathroom. I turned on the warm water and took my clothes off. I looked in the mirror. I'm fat. Im ugly. I thought. I pointed out all my flaws and then jumped in the shower. "Ow!" The water stung my skin.

All the cuts and bruises on my body hurt as the water roughly collided with my skin. I grabbed my shampoo and started rubbing it in my hair, singing one of Nirvana's song.

As I washed my hair, I looked at my arms. I counted all my cuts. 23.....27....31...38...42. 42 cuts littered my arms. I looked at my stomach. Gosh, I'm such a fat bitch. How could anyone love me? No wonder David hit me.

I finished the rest of my shower and got out, wrapping my towel around me. I dried my body and my hair, sorta.

Then, I grabbed my underwear and bra and put those on. For my outfit today, I chose a plain long sleeved black shirt and a pair of white skinnies. After sliding those on, I left the bathroom and headed for my vanity.

I plugged in my blow drier and starting drying my black and brown hair. I decided on braiding it a bit today in two. I took my hair and split it in two. I only braided the bottom of each side a bit to make it look nice, the rest was my regular wavy hair. Once I was done with my hair, I moved on to my make-up. It isn't alot. Just foundation, lipstick, mascara, and eyeliner.

As I got my make-up bag out, my phone began to ring. I answered and put it on speaker. "Hey babe!" I said, drying my face good. "Hey baby, uh well I'm getting out of work early and my friend invited me to a party. We're going alright?" He said with a calm sweet tone.

I couldn't say no because he would beat me senseless and also because he's being such a sweetheart today. I absolutely love it when he's like this.

"Yea, of course sweetie. See you then." A smile was on my face. "Okay. I love you, muah." He did a kissy noise. "Love you too. Bye." He hung up.

That was weird. He never does those kissy noises and he never says 'I love you' unless he's in a happy mood. Well this is going to be great. I think he's only abusive when I do something to pids him off.

I finished applying my make-up and looked in the mirror. Hmm, something's missing. I thought to myself as i inspected my face. "Oh yeah!" I shouted.

I reached for my contacts and grabved them. I always have to put them on or else. My contacts are blue, very blue. David doesn't like my light brown eyes so he makes me wear these.

I slipped them on and pulled out my drawer that hold my socks. The socks today are regular black socks. After putting those on, I went to my closet and got out my black and white Vans, putting those on.

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