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Okay, this whole chap chap will be in Tonys Pov. Sorry for the shortness. >:) Enjoy. Love yaaa,

Before the guys came.

I was sitting in the waiting room, crying softly. It's been 40 minutes since I've sat here, waiting on news. Just something about her. Anything. Absolutely anything. But I've heard nothing. I keep going to ask one of the nurses if they know anything but they never give me any news.

My phone started to vibrate in my pocket. I slowly grabbed it and saw I had a message from Jaime.

Hi-me: They arrested Ryane for assault or some shit idk. We're almost there okay? Any news?

I replied back.

Tony Turtle: That's great news! Okay, and they haven't told me anything at all.

After I sent it, I put my phone back in my pocket and stood up. I walked up to the front desk and asked the nurse of she knew anything. "Maryjane Velasquez..... hm.... I think the doctor has something but...... I'll go see.. if he has anything." She said as she looked through her computer. I nodded and she walked off.

I stood here waiting for about a minute when I heard a familiar female voice, "Tony?!" I looked up to see somebody I didn't expect to see anymore. "Aliza? W-what are you... how did you?" She giggled. "I had a job here and I heard you guys were playing a show here so I decided to go see you guys since I missed you all. Once I got there, they told me you were.. here." I nodded. Her face twisted into a confused face, then a worried face. "Where is... Maryjane..?" I looked at her eyes. They were filled with worry and confusion. "They haven't told me... anything...for over 40 minutes.." I said, tearing up. She gasped. "I.. can't believe it. She.. just came.." She sorta fell back a little, grabbing the couter. I slowly pulled her into a hug. "I know.." she pulled back and steadied herself."You know, I care about her." I nodded."Ever since I found her, I couldn't help but feel worried about her. Sure, I didn't know her but, it's like we are alike. We have been through similar things, alot of similar things. The day I found her, it reminded me of the day I almost died, by the same cause," she paused and looked at me. Wait, she was almost..killed like her too.. almost.. raped..I nodded slowly in understanding. "Vic told me somethings about her past, well what he knows, and I could relate to her. Knowing what she has been through, the least, makes me worry for her because I don't want her to be hurt again. I dont.. want her to be stuck in that same deep hole again." I pulled her into a another hug. It's amazing how people could care about each other so fast. It's just, when you know, you know. There's that feeling that says, 'Hey. This is going to be somebody you'll care about, they will be a part of your life, a true friend. You will care about them and worry about them. Always.' I pulled away from the hug and grabbed her shoulder's lightly. "She's gonna be okay. It's, not as worst as the first time. The nurse said she was gonna go ask the doctor for any news. The guys are almost here too. We all care about her, okay? Shr will be okay." She nodded in understanding. "Okay. Im.. going outside to wait for the guys. Okay?" I nodded and sent her a small smile try hat she returned. Her back turned and she walked out of the building.

"Maryjane Alyssa Velasquez?" I looked up to see a middle-aged guy with faded black hair. "Here.. Do you have any news?" He looked at me and then his clipboard. "Uh, you are.. who? And your relationship with her is?" Is he really asking this? Apparently he is. "Im Tony Perry. Her... best friend?" It came out more like a question then a statement. He looked at me with confusion. He shook hid head and glanced at his clipboard. When he looked up, his eyes were widened. Oh no, that cant be good. "Mr. Perry, Im sorry but.." he paused. Why is he sorry? What happened to her?! "But what?" I was anxious to know. "Im sorry Mr. Perry but.. she's in a comma. The impact caused her to become unconsious. We still dont know how she got into a comma or what is going on during this period. We will keep you updated and if you would like, you may stay with her." What. I felt my world shatter hut I managed to nod my head slowly. He walked away after saying sorry. I walked slowly to the chair, breaking down once I sat down. I sobbed into my hands. How did this happen? Why? The injury wasn't bad. It looked as if the bat barely hit her. This can't be happening. I placed my elbows on my knees and my hands covered my face and I continued to cry. She was going to be okay..

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