Last memory

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Cute Tony gif. :3 
-dream like thing. Whatever.- (a bit earlier when the guys weren't in her room)
I awoke in the middle of the road. I was infront of a bar. “tony" . I murmered that name over and over. I had no idea why I was saying that name. I felt like I knew that name but I had no idea. My head pounded. It hurt like hell and I couldn't take it. I fell down, my neck landed on a rock. I yelped in pain before sitting on the curb, my hand was on my head. As I looked up, there a bus suddenly parked infront of me. It looked like a tour bus but I couldn't tell because my vision was blurry. I removed my hand from my head and felt something wet. It was blood. What did david do now?  Oh wait. Now I remember....I had came from the liquor store because David wanted more whiskey. Once I opened the door and closed it behind me, a fist slammed into my cheek, making me fall to the cold floor. “WHAT THE FUCK TOOK YOU SO LONG!" I laid there, crying. “ANSWER ME!" he spat in my face. I didn't answer. I couldn't answer. I was too scared. Next thing I know, he slams my head against the floor causing me to black out. ...... I shook the thought before I lifted my head. Just then,  four familiar figures came out the bus. I didn't know who they were or why I thought I recognized them because honestly, I've never seen them before. “Tony" i murmured again. One of them turned around to see me. He was a tall tattooed figure. I couldnt make out any features due to my blurry vision. His figure was familiar, the name was familiar. All of them, they were familiar. Once they saw me, they rushed over. “MARYJANE" the one I'm guessing is Tony screamed. Before they can reach me, everything started to fade. I desperately wanted to go back to him but I couldn't. I don't know why I did but I really wanted to. I kept whispering his name until I saw a white light. “TONY!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs until awoke in a white room.
“TONY!!!!" I screamed once I woke up. My throat hurt and it felt like I was being choked. I looked around, studying my surroundings. What am I  doing here? Im in a hospital. All of a sudden, nurses came in. I tried to speak. I tried to remember what has happened but I couldn't. Why couldn't I speak? Ohmygad. What is up with me. This can't be happening. Im just dreaming. Wait, wheres David?

I started crying and trying to get up. I tried to shout but I couldnt. The nurses tried to calm me down but I didn't. How can I be calm when I can't talk or remember what has happened. The nurses held me down as I tried to get up. I shaked and moved madly. All i want to know is what has happened!? Two other nurses came inside with needles. I wanted to say no but I couldn't.  The nurses held me down as the other nurses injected me with a serum.
I began to feel sleepy and my eyes began to close. My eyes shut and soon, I floated into darkness.

Sorry for the short ass chapter xc. As I said, I have just came out the hospital and due to my incident, my arms really hurt and I cant really write. But I mean, this is better than nothing. So yea, Two chapters in one day! Yea! I will update tomorrow or the day after. Im not sure but I will try. Once I get better I will update alot more. I have alot planned out for this story so I really look foward to your feedback. Thanks (:

A Million Waves-Tony Perry FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now