Perfect In My Eyes.

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My eyes shot open. I realized i was no longer in the bar but on a rooftop that over looks the city. "David?" I called out to nowhere. I wondered were my boyfriend of 8 years was. I looked around but he was nowhere to be found. Suddently, something caught my attention. As i turned around, a familiar figure made his way towards me. "Dont do it! Please dont! " he shouted, concern in his voice. I never heard his voice before but his figure seemed familiar. I didnt know who it was but he genuinely seemed worried about me. But why?
I couldnt make out his face but only some tattoos he had on his hand as he reached for me.
It said 'Wars'
Hm. I suddently feel air pushing me back and i fall from the rooftop.
"NO!" I heard the voice scream. As i fell, the figure came towards the edge and outstreched his arm as if he wanted to grab me. I felt a single tear drop onto my face from the figure and i suddently woke in reality.

*a little earlier*

"TURTLE! HURRY UP!" Vic shouted. Im really not in the mood for a bar tonight but as always, the guys drag me. They really don't know what 'I do not want to go' means.

I decided to go just so they wont fuss. Im not drinking though. Its just, ever since i fought with my cousin, Cristian, i havent been in the mood for anything. Me and him are really close and we argued so we dont talk that much anymore.

I threw on a Key street tank, a pair of grey skinny jeans, and of course a hat. While i grabbed my phone and wallet, Jaime called for me,"Turtle! Lets get going, i wanna get waasteedd!!".

"Im coming Dragon." I replied. The bus came to a stop so i assumed we're at the bar. "WHISKEY!!" Mike shouted. I chuckled. Typical Whiskey Hands.

We got off the bus and headed towards the doors. There wasnt many people so that's good. Ugh, there were lots of drunk people here though and i don't feel like being around drunks tonight.

"Heyy y-you wanna have f-fun" a drunk slut asked me. I wonder how chicks can do this. Her face was caked in makeup, she had shorts that were too short on her and a top that exposed her boobs that are clearly fake. I gave her a disgusting look and shook her off.

The guys and I headed to a part in the bar that not to many people were by. Jaime and Mike made there way to the drinks while i waited with Vic. "Come on Tone. Have some fun. Dont worry, Cristian will be fine with you soon." He stated.

"Im just not in the mood Vic." He patted my back and walked away. Soon enough Jaime and Mike came back with lots of shots and whiskey while Vic only came with some tequila which he didnt drink much.
About 25 minutes has passed and Jaime and Mike have managed to get wasted. Vic and I have just been talking and eating fries. "SOOOOO. Tone when do you plan on getting a girlfriend?"

Girlfriend. I never thought of that. I just dont know why i don't have one. I mean the last time i had a relationship was months ago. Im not really seeing anyone so. " I dont know. I never thought of it. After Kaetlyn cheated, i gave up. I dont want to get broken you know?" I replied.

" You still young though! You are what? 23?" He asked. "24." I corrected. "oh." He muttered.

Just then, i heard a muffled shout outside. Im guessing Vic heard too because he looked at me with confusion.

Two figures at the door caught my attention. It was a girl and a guy around,i guess, my age. Although the guy looked older. I studied them with worried eyes as i noticed the guy had his hand tightly around the girls arm.

Her eyes, were filled with sadness. She wore a beanie over black and brown wavy hair, a Asking Alexandria sweater, grey skinny jeans and black vans. She was skinny but still had some curves.Oh. My. GOD.She is so beautiful.

It killed me that she looked so sad, so broken. I caught her looking at us. Studying us as she sat down. "What are you looking at Tone?" Vic wondered. I didnt reply. I was too busy looking at her blue eyes. I felt like i wanted to be with her. Make her mine. Take the sadness away from her beautiful eyes.

I began to feel anger and worried when a drunk came up to her and said something. At his comment, she responded, irritation and annoyance in her eyes. Suddenly he forcefully kissed her and i was so close to run to her and beat the drunk guy up when sonething happened that broke my heart.

"YOU WHORE! YOU PIG! YOU FUCKING CUNT!" The guy she was with shouted at her. He kept punching her and bloob was coming out of her. The guys and I looked in shock. My heart literally broke seeing this beautiful girl getting beaten.

He slammed her head on the counter and i saw as her body fell lifeless. "THATS WHAT YOU DESERVE UGLY FAT WHORE!" he screamed. How could he say that!? She is perfect in my eyes. She was so, so beautiful.

He kicked her body and thats when some thing inside me snaped. I ran to the guy and stood infront him. I can feel the guys' eyes on me. "TONE!" Vic called, but i Ignored it.

"Who are you fagget?" He snickered. I was a good two inches taller, he looked like he had muscles but i couldnt tell through the long sleeved shirt.

I punched him straight in the face. "YOU DONT DO THAT TO A LADY!" i shouted as i threw more punches. All i felt was anger and hatred rush through me. How dare he lay a finger on her!?

"TONE STOP!" i heard the guys shout. I kept going even if they tried to pull ne away.Blood stained my knuckles. "STOP!" a soft beautiful voice pulled me out of my thoughts and actions. As i turned around, i saw the perfect beautiful girl on the floor, concern filled her eyes.

I stood up and ran to her. Before i knew it, i was hugging her tightly, pulling her up and dragging her out the bar.

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