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~Aliza POV~
I was on my way to one of San Diegos most dangerous clubs. Of course I had to blend in so I'm wearing this ridiculous miniskirt and a top that im pretty sure is a smaller size. This piece of crap kept going up my thighs and it was disturbing me big time. “Agent Orduno, do you have everything ready to go? " my boss said through my earpiece. “Yes, Lutcher. I'm ready to party." I tried to not make it obvious that I'm an undercover agent because you never know, these people might end your life without hesitation. “Remember, if there is any trouble just say the code word." Code word? I never knew about the code word. “Uh. Whats the code word?" God, thats not gonna make me look good. “Um. I don't know, just say a whole bunch of profanities or if nobodys around say code red and state the problem. " So he didnt have a code word, that's one less worry for me.

Anyways, my name is Aliza Orduno. I've been a part of the FBI for a long time now. I may be only 25 but I'm very experienced. This is what I've been working for since high school. This job does has it's problems though. You don't get to see any of your loved ones much and it's a dangerous job. Also, in case you're wondering, I'm not like other women. Others listen to pop and country, wear alot of bright colors and use dresses every weekend, and also, you expect for the women who work in the FBI or anywhere in that area to be white. Well im not not. I'm a proud hispanic, I'm the type of person who listens to bands and use colors that don't catch people's eyes and I hate dresses. What bands do I like you may ask? Well there's alot. Some of my favorites are Pierce The Veil, Asking Alexandria, Sleeping With Sirens, Linkin Park, Nirvina, Bring Me The Horizon, you know, bands like that. Oh, I almost forgot, I have short wavy dark brown hair, average height, and I have a flat stomach but im not so thin, I'm still like a normal size with I guess curves.

Enough about my phisycal appearance and personality, let's talk of my job. So I've been working for the FBI for about five and a half years now. I mostly work in the undercover agency and suspect behavior. This job is good and all but it has flaws. Like I said earlier, I barely have time to talk to family, It's risky, and since I'm also an undercover agent, I can't really say much of my background or what I do. Don't get me wrong, I love doing this but at the same time, I dont. I want to be able to be honest and not lie to the people around me. Besides, I also like the music industry. It doesn't matter if I play an instrument or sing or manage, as long as it has to do with music. I've always dreamed of being in a band or managing one.

Anywho, let me explain my assignment for today. Tonight, I've been assigned to cover the worst place in town. Tequila Night Club. I swear, my job gets more dangerous each day. So basically, I'm undercover for tonight. Why you may ask? Well, there is a rapist on the loose and this is were he gets most of his victims. I have to say, I don't, didn't, want this assignment. It's too dangerous. So far, there's been only 2/7 survivors. Yea, i said survivors. Poor girls, they were beaten to death. Heck, some were even suffocated and had their skull cracked open by a rock. Like I said, D-A-N-G-E-R-O-U-S. And besides, I hate clubs, they make me feel lonely because I don't have friends and they never play the type of music I like. It makes me feel like an outsider, ya' know?

They finally let me in the club after about 15 minutes of standing waiting. Well, also, 15 minutes of guys wanting to pull up my skirt. I swear, if I wasn't on the job, I would've already beaten their ass.

As I made my way towards one of the booths, I noticed a familiar figure on the dance floor. Oh. My. Gah. It was Austin Carlile! Okay. Okay. Don't over react. Im a FBI agent, I shouldn't be letting my inner fangirl out. It wouldn't hurt to ask him for an autograph right? I am undercover after all. I decided to get up and talk to him after the song was over, and luckily it wasn't long.

“Hey. Austin Carlile right?" I asked, trying not to let my fangirl come out. He nodded. “Hi. I'm a big fan. Can you uh sign this for me?" I tried not to sound akward as I pulled out my wallet, revealing my top 5 favorite people. I had five pictures, each picture comtained one of my favorite singers, Austin being one of them. “Sure thang' gorgeous." Ok. Ok. Focus. Dont. Loose. It. He handed it back and winked as I said 'thanks'. Oh my. Oh my. He put his phone number in it. “You here with someone?" I shook my head no. “Can I buy you a drink?" Again, I shook my head. Im not a fan of alcohol, besides, I'm working. “No. I'm not thirsty. Thank you though." I explained with a smile. “Well ok. How bout you sit with us then." I immediately nodded my head as we made our way to his booth. To my surprise, the rest of Of Mice & Men were there. As expected, we exchanged conversation, but for over an hour. 

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