2 Month update.

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2 months and somewhat weeks later.

Its about to be three months that she hasn't woken up. Tony is so excited, he's always smiling and saying, 'It's almost three months!" Or "She's going to wake up soon." And when we're in her room he always tells her, "It's almost time to wake up."

We are currently in San diego. They managed to transfer Maryjane to the hospital here in Dan Diego by helicopter. At first, Tony and aliza weren't too sure with the idea and they got all freaked. Not only them but also Jaime. He said, I quote, "What if she falls and hits the floor and becomes a smashed potato!"

I also conviced the doctors to let us take her to our home since she doesnt really need to be here. So now there she is, in a guest room. Well it's her room now since she will be living here in the Ptv crib. The bill was alot but we all payed. By all I mean, Tony, Mike, Jaime, me, Of Mice and Men, and Aliza. Im not even sure if the rest of Om&m knew her or whatever but they said, "She your family, my family"

Every now and then, there would be a tear rolling down her cheek or her fingers would move a little. The doctor said it was normal. That it's her brain and that it happens when her emotions are really strong enough to do that.

I also asked the doctor if it was possible for Maryjane to recover her voice and he said that it was likely but to not get our hopes up. Its bullshit that the doctor is so negative and blunt. Aliza even went off on him and since then, I realized I do not want to get her mad. Trust me, after what she did to him, I don't want the day to come when she makes me pass out.

Tony never leaves this house unless he has something really important like when we have to go to the recording studio or if he needs to go to the store for something. He is always with Maryjane in her room watching movies or playing videogames. Yeah, he does spend time with us but he just never wants to leave her alone.

Tony isn't exited only because of her though. Him and his cousin, Cristian finally made up and they are as close as they were before. He is coming over today since its his birthday. Therefore, we are going to have a party tonight. Who is attending you may ask? Well us, the PTV guys, SWS guys since Cristian is close with them, Aliza, Jaxin who is Tonys Bestfriend and co founder of their clothing line Key Street,some of Cristian's friends and I don't know who else.

Also, Aliza and i have gotten alot more closer and comfortable with each other. The only problem is that she has alot of work and is always gone for at least three days at a time. She decided to move into an aparment close to our house since she used to live in Los Angeles. Im starting to doubt she works as a architectural person or something but whatever. She wouldn't lie to us, right? Apart from that, she is coming back today from a business trip with some great news.

Jaime and Mike are bringing some 'lady friends' over so Aliza can talk with them during the party. I sort of feel bad because Aliza is always with us and I've never seen her hang out with any girls. She is comfortable around us and doesn't mind us but I feel like she should hang out with some girls from time to time so she wouldnt be around some stupid childish guys all the time.

The party is starting at 7:00 pm today so that leaves us about 6 hours to settle for the party. Tony will cook and clean up while Mike and Jaime go grab some extra stuff and I will go pick up Aliza from the airport in an hour.

Right now, everybody is showering or eating breakfast. Actually, I'm the only one eating breakfast at this lonely table. Everybody else is getting ready for the day. Yea, I said that. We all woke up not too long ago since we had a busy day yesterday. It's currently 12:54pm.

Give her the necklace on her birthday. I kept thinking the same thing over and over again. I bought this really nice necklace yesterday. I'm actually planning on giving a part of it to Aliza on her birthday now since it's in a week. Its a heart and it says 'Partners in crime' Actually, it's a heart thats split in half so I'm going to give her half of it and I'm gonna keep the other half. So I'm going to ask her out...

Im still scared of what she'll say....


I cant wait for that day to come. Just a few more days! I keep thinking about the day that Maryjane will finally wake up. I keep thinking of scenarios of that day.

Will she wake up and hug me? Will she scream? Will she not know us? No dont think that! She is remembering! I want to hear her voice. I want to tell her I missed her and that I like her. But...But I can't because first, I need to know her better. Second, I need to let her breath and get comfortable around, gather her thoughts over again. Lastly, I need to know she likes me. What if she doesn't? What if I look like an idiot? What if she likes somebody else?

For right now, It doesnt matter. I just want to be here when she wakes up. Everyday, I just sit here and watch movies or play videogames next to her. When I sleep, I sleep next to her, holding her hand. I only leave this room when I need to do something like go to the recording studio, go get personal items, or cook sometimes. Theres a bathroom attached here so I use that and I also have a pile of clothes in here ao I wont have to leave.

The guys are sometimes pissed about it but they still understand. There was one time Vic got mad at me because I refused to eat with them. He told me to stay down stair so we could talk but I just came straight up and sat down next to Maryjane.
I few minutes later, he came and talked to me about my behavior and that I should do something productive imstead of just sitting on my ass. I did go out one time though. We went to a bar and since then, I havent gotten back outside.

I wasn't always alone though. Jaime and Mike would sometimes come up now and then when they weren't busy. Vic too but he did less since he is always busy writting and stuff. Aliza would always come as much as she can too but then she would leave for days at a time. For business trips she says but I still don't believe it. She's a bit too secretive with her life though, never giving out too much information.

That night we went to the bar, a guy came up to her and started talking to her. She clutched her bag to her chest and stayed back, eying him, like she always does. I overheard him asking her for her name and she replied,"Rachel." It's probably just me, I'm just overreacting. Although, she seems to know alot. She always end our sentences for us when we don't know what to say. She always knows what we think about. She always knows where we would go. She knows how to find something lost. She knows how to make somebody pass out by pinching them! Hmmm. I should investegate. I need to know about her.


Hello again! So.... Tony is on to her! And Vic.... what do you think? Plot twist or whaaa? And wooohooo! Over 300 reads! Thats amazing! I love yaaa!

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