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~Aliza POV~

"C-comma?" I stuttered. How could this happen? "What?" Vic gasped. I looked over at their faces. They were all the same, filled with tears. Heck, I was crying myself. I know I just met her not too long ago but I still care for her.

"The doctor said he doesn't know why.." Tony explained. "You.. said... she was going to be.. okay.." my voice cracked. "I.. know.." he whispered. I started to cry into my hands. A pair of arms wrapped around me. "Hey, she's strong ok? She's gonna pull through." I nodded into Vic's chest slowly. Vic guided me towards the chairs and we sat down, Mike and Jaime copying our moves. We sat in silence until Vic broke it. "We should cancel tour." We all looked up. Tony, Mike, and jaime all nodded their heads. "Yea, we can make up for it later." Mike said. I gave them all a smile and leaned into Vic's side. Slowly closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.
~Vic's Pov.~
She is so beautiful, this lovely caring girl asleep in my arms. I like her so much. She really cares about Maryjane alot and I really appreciate that. It's really great how she saw her as a friend immediately.

We've been here for about an hour, just waiting on any more news. Tony and I were the only one's awake. "I should've looked out for her. I knew she would hurt her but I- I didn't do anything." I heard Tony whisper. He was the most saddened by all this. "Hey man, it wasnt your fault. It wasn't anybody's. We didn't know Ryane was gonna do that." He shook his head furiously and placed his hands behind his neck. "No. I should've seen it coming. Just like how I should've noticed that she s-she" he couldn't end his sentence before he cried. "No. I didn't notice. Nobody did. We didn't know she was gonna do that, that day. All we thought about was how happy we were with her. How happy she is now that he is out of her life." He nodded slowly.

"Family of Velasquez, Maryjane Alyssa?" Tony and I lifted our heads up to see a female doctor. I tapped Aliza's shoulder and she immediately woke up. I did the same with Mike and Jaime. "That is us." I said, standing up from my seat. She shook my hand, "Hello. My name is Dr.Sanchez. I am a specialist in these types of fields. As you may know, Ms.Velasquez is in a comma. We've managed to figure out what is going on in her brain in this process." We all nodded our heads. "So basically what is happening during this period is that her brain is processing memories over again. I dont kn-" I cut her off, "Wait, wait what? That's possible? " She nodded her head. "But we dont know why she is reliving those memories or how many days worth of memories she's -" Tony butted in this time. "S-she lost 3 months worth of memories" He started to cry. "Does that mean..?" She nodded her head slowly. "I believe so. She will stay this way until she is finished processing those three months. She will feel and think everything over again." She explained. "Wait, she almost died. Will she feel that?" I asked. "It would be as if she is in that position again. It wont actually affect her body but only her mind. It won't harm her. Hopefully." We nodded. "Do you guys want to see her?" She asked. "Yes please." I said. "Okay are you guys gonna stay for the night or.." We told her we were all going to stay. "Alright. Come this way."


The doctor lead us to a room down the hall. Room 401. "Okay. The room is big enough for all of you so best wishes. I hope she will be okay." I stopped her before she can get out. "Wait. Can you possibly transfer her to a different hospital..." She checked her clipboard. "Hm. I don't know. Which hospital is it and the adress?" Vic came into the conversation. "Actually, it's not in this state. We live in San diego California. We are touring and uh we had a show here when this happened." She looked at us confused. "We're in a band. We are touring." Jaime explained. She made an 'O' face. "I understand. Well uh I'll see what I could do. I'll be back." She quickly made her way out.

I turned to see this beautiful girl. Just lying there on this hospital bed, attached to machines. How did this happen to you. You never did anything wrong. I made my way over to her side. I started to cry again. Three months without her. I sat down next to her, grabbing her hand. I leaned my head next to her body, sobbing into the bed's sheets. "Come back." I whispered. I stayed there, crying for god knows how many minutes. Aliza gasped and I pulled my head back. I looked over to where she was looking. There was a tear running down her cheek. "How.." mike whispered. I squeezed Maryjane's hand. Come on squeeze it back. Drop a tear again. Do something. Just wake up.

I moved my head closer to hers and I lightly kissed her forehead. I looked over to the guys and girl and saw them giving me a sad smile.

I rested my head agaist the bed again and continued to cry softly until I drifted into darkness.


Its been over an hour that we've been here. Tony is asleep next to Maryjane, Mike and Jaime are just sitting down looking at nothing, Aliza and I are just talking. She's explaining to me what's happened to her in the past, and she's had it rough.

"They are so cute together." Aliza said looking over to Tony and Maryjane, smiling. "Yea. I think that too. It's obvious they like each other. Why dont thet just go out?" I said chuckling. "Well I think He's giving it time so they can get to know each other more." I nodded. "Yea. They need to know each other better in order to be in a good relationship. She has barely told us anything about her life, only basic things." She nodded. "Im going to go get something to eat. Do you want to come or no?" Jaime stood up with wide eyes. "Food" He said like a zombie. Right after he said that, he grabbed Aliza by the arm amd dragged her out the room. I chuckled.

"You like her." I turned to Mike. A huge smirk was plastered onto his face. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as I shook my head fast. "N-no." I heard muffled laughter come from the other side of the room. Mike and I turned our heads to see Tony look up, a huge smile on his face. "Yep. Don't lie Vic!" My mouth hung open. Mike began to laugh and Tony too. I crossed my arms over my chest. "It's not funny guys." Mike shook his head. "I could tell when you like somebody. We are brothers, you know?" I huffed. These guys are such idiots.


"Ricky! Get the fuck out!" David is about to come back and Ricky doesnt want to leave. Yea Ricky is my bestfriend and i know I havent seen him in 2 months but Idont want him to get hurt. "No." He crossed his arms over his chest and sat down on my couch. "Get out. He can come any minute now and you know he doesnt want you to be friends with me." He looked at me with saddened eyes.

Ricky and David never got along. David has always hated his guts because he says he's to 'touchy' with me. He gets jealous alot and then he takes out the hate on me.

"Why don't you just leave him? Move in with me? " I sighed and touched my hand to my forehead. "I love him. It was only one time. He isn't like that. You always leave anyway. So it's going to he like I'm by myself."

One time Ricky walked in on David hitting me. That was the only time he's seen him do that and that would be the only time ever. He hast hit me in two days anyways. I got some news the other day that caused David to go nuts.

"Maryjane! Listen you have to come with me! Leave him, he is no good!" I turned to look at my bestfriend. I wasn't going to tell him but he has to understand why I cant leave, especially not now. "I'm pregnant!" He looked at me with horror. "N-no." I let tears fall. "You have to come with me now! " He grabbed my arm lightly and dragged me to my room. Once we got imside he pulled out two suitcases and started to place my stuff imside. "Stop! " He didn't stop packing. "I can't let a monster raise a baby! I can't let a monster be with you!" He shouted. I reached for my stuff but I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a car door slam.

Ricky grabbed my arm and started to drag me out thw room, towards the living room. "Ricky stop!" I slapped his arm , about to break free when the front door opened.

David looked at me with a confused faced. He turned his attention to Ricky and his expression held anger. "Why the fuck is he here!" I flinched. "He was just leaving." I whispered. Ricky grabbed my arm. "We are leaving."

Once David realized what Ricky meant, he grew even more angry and ge sprinted into action. "No." He spit. He grabbed Ricky by the neck and threw him against the wall. I gasped. "You are leavibg. She stays with me. And you will stay away from her ." David punched him hard and he fell to the floor. "No!" I screamed. David kept kicking him over and over until Ricky started to spuy blood and could barely move.

I made my way towards Ricky but I wS stopped by David. "No! You will stay here!" He shouted as my punched me, causing me to fall back. He got on top of me and repeatedly punched me, making blood spill out my mouth. "m-my b-b-baby..." I stuttered out. This time he got up and began to kick me."I dont care! I never even fucking wanted it!" He shouted, kicking me everytime a word left his mouth.

Everything began to become blurry and dark. Tears slowly came down my cheeks.'My baby... ' I thought. Everything became dark and I drifted into the shadows.

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