Jaime, the magical cart rider.

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Hey guys. The next chapters will only be on Mikes or vics or Jaimes pov. Js. Love ya. The picture is.... Drummmmmroollllll pleeeaseee.. David >;) Lol, i decided to just let you see how i picture him. Ok? Ok. Enjoy. ILL INCLUDE A PICTURE OF MARAHLEN AND JAIMES SPECIAL GUEST IN THE NEXT CHAPTER.


"Jaime get off!" He shook his head. "No!" I sighed and pushed the cart that Jaime's fatass was in. We are at the grocery store not to far from the PTV crib getting alcohol, chips, cookies, movies, lunchables, Hot-pockets, and other shit we need for the party.

Vic went to go get Aliza from the airport and Tony stayed with his girlfriend at home. HAHA. Oh, I've always wanted to say that. I havent said that line in about a year. Ah but I'm just kidding. Kid really likes her though. Just like Vic, he really likes Aliza. I can still See the fear in his face though. Poor guy, Cara really fucked him up. He's actually told me that he wants to ask Aliza out but he's scared. Now if you dont know what happened well shit, I'll tell you.

Basically, Vic dated a a girl named Cara. He fell head over heels in love with her and couldnt see himself with anybody else. He planned on proposing to her one day when it was their anniversary when something happened.

When he got home, he heard... people doing the nasty.... he got scared and angry. When he went to check upstairs, he found Cara with his old high school buddy having sex in the bathtub. (Weird right?)

Anyways, he kicked her out and broke up with her. And he threw her the ring. She was all like, 'it was a mistake. I love you. Let me explain. Blah blah blah.' Vic cried his eyes out for a long time, drinking, not wanting to do anything, not wanting to live. He realized that she left things behind like her old shaving razors, her shampoo, shoes, shit like that and he started missing her. He even started to question why they broke up. Why he didn't let her explain. So he wrote song a song called Caraphernelia(It's in our album we released a few months ago). Cara really left Vic broken and That's why he's scared to have a relationship again. He's scared that they will cheat. That they will break him again.

End of story.

Well yeah. Thats the story.

Anyways, today is Cristians birthday and we are going to throw a kick ass party for him. All of us! Yeah!

Well uh, not that many people actually. Just some. Let me see this list, I nee- "Jaime!" I shouted as he dumped a whole section of chips into the cart. He jumped up and down in the cart, smiling so widely. "We need alot of chips!!!" He whined. I rolled my eyes and asked for the list of people who were coming. He nodded as he pulled out a paper from his back pocket. I grabbed it and read it out loud.

-SWS guys.
-Cristian.. duh.
- Cynthia
-Cristians friends.
- Mmmmm o.o "

I paused at this and smiled. I wrote this down. I thought. I was about to read the last name when Jaime snatched it out my hand. I glared at him. "You can't read it! That is my special guest!" He said. I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever. I shall find out later anyway." He laughed,"Of course you are. We're gonna go pick her up right now after we're done getting groceries." I looked at him. "First of all, this isn't groceries, this is just junk. Secondly, get the fuck out of the cart ! Lastly.... Are you crazy! I'm picking up Marahlen!" I shouted. He looked at me wide eyed as he stopped doing what he was doing, which was grabbing a bottle of vodka.

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