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It's a week since Aurelia taught me that lesson in Algebra and I grin to myself as I practically dance out of the exam hall. I'm sure going to ace it, thanks to Lia. I walk towards Jess and hug her tightly.

"Why are you so happy Low? That exam sucked." She pouts at me.
"Not for me. Aurelia taught me Algebra for three hours a week."
Lindsay sighs who's standing behind Jess, leaning against the lockers. "I wish I could live your life Low."
"Everyone wants to live my life." I sigh dramatically as I start to head towards the parking lot.
"Yeah right. You'll be joining us for the party this weekend, won't you?" Lindsay calls out from behind to me which I nod my head without turning back.

I reach the parking lot where I see Lia waiting for me near our car. I ignore the group of football players ogling at my legs, Blake isn't one of them. I walk over to her and hug her tight.

She's been looking so happy since the past week. I don't know the reason and she says nothing when I ask her, but now I really think there's something going on. Maybe she's being doing well in those class tests of her. On the other hand, I've been seeing Blake less and less. And the worse part is, I'm missing him. I've never actually felt the absence of a guy from my life before. It's usually the other way round. They miss me as I keep them hanging. But I've being doing terribly with the only guy I'vr ever truly liked. I don't even have his number yet. Maybe I'll steal it from Aurelia's phone.

My train of thoughts stops when I see Blake in a distance. As I separate from Aurelia's hug, I look at him as he approaches us.
"What are you looking at?" Aurelia asks and then turns behind to see where I'm looking.

Blake comes to us and smiles. I've never seen him smile so genuinely ever since I've known him. His smile just makes my day better and I feel good- this is a first. Butterflies flutter in my tummy as he stands in front of us and casually places an arm around Aurelia's waist. Are they that close friends now? Aurelia leans in to him but she obviously looks stiffened. This is awkward.

But the next awkward moment is when he kisses the side of her head and smiles down at her while she looks up at him lovingly. They don't look like friends, they look like a...couple. Something clenches deep inside me, replacing the butterflies. Hurt, rage or envy? No, this isn't possible. It must just be an endearing expression.

"Hey Willow." He says simply, his hand still around Lia's waist.
"Hey. What are you two? Friends with benefits?" I ask casually and laugh, but even the laughter sounds hollow and fake.
Blake raises an eyebrow. "Not even close. She's my girlfriend." He says and my world suddenly seems blank. My head spins and I steady myself and control my anger and curiousity.

"Seriously? Lia, you never told me?" I ask, trying to find the good in the situation even though tears prick the back of my eyes. Emotions never make sense to me.
"I didn't get the chance to." She says softly. She almost seems guilty, it must have been a tough decision for her. She's choosing her words so carefully.
"We live in the same house Aurelia."
"I was busy all of this week."
Now I realize. Apart from tutoring me for two hours, Aurelia was hardly home. She attended school, did some coaching thing she does with weak students and did not come home after that. Probably spent time with her boyfriend.

Somehow even thinking about them together makes me want to gag.
"Willow." Blake's voice brings me back to reality.
"Yes." I smile, which seems so phony.
"Can I borrow your sister?" He asks playfully and Aurelia blushes. Someone kill me already.
"You already have. I want Lia back okay! Safe and sound." I joke and they laugh. I don't miss the surprised look in her eyes. She probably expected me to throw a tantrum. I just need time to process all this.

They both wave to me and move towards Blake's car while Aurelia hands me our car keys and squeezes my hand, giving me a thank you so much smile. I smile back at her. For the first time, my sister feels so distant.

I watch them walk away. He keeps his arm around her like she's a doll who needs protection. She whispers something in his ear and he tickles her. They turn around the corner after that. And all I can think of is how much I want to be in Aurelia's place right now.

I get inside the car and place my forehead against the steering wheel. Lia had taught me how to deal with emotions. First is to recognize them. What do I feel? Hurt. Heartbreak for the second time. And a little bit of envy. Little tears fill my eyes. He was the only guy I wanted after Max. What did I do to deserve this? Am I not capable of being loved? Maybe I feel a bit betrayed too. I asked Aurelia to get me Blake and she kept him all for herself. I may need to forget the only guy who helped me forget Steve. Calm down Willow, you've got several guys around you, someone will replace Blake. But something tells me how he cannot be replaced. Do I love him too much? I wipe my tears and focus on driving as I turn the key in the ignition.

I should have been with Blake. We could've been the star couple. Why does he like Aurelia? What is there in her that isn't present in me? God, I'm acting like a bitch. I need to remember that she is my sister. I'm supposed to be happy for her. I'll learn to live with it. I just need some time, that's all.

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