The beach

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"You know what the funniest part is?" Blake asks me as he runs a hand in the sand below his feet.
"The girl who listens to Taylor Swift doesn't read fiction."

I laugh. "It's not that I'm against fiction, you know? The thing about Taylor is that her songs are so catchy and upbeat, you can't help but like them. Where else would you get a song with the lyrics go and tell your friends that I'm obsessive and crazy, I'll tell mine that you're gay? How cool is that!" He laughs at the statement. I continue,"Also I don't have anything against fiction. It's just that it gives you false hopes. It's a fact that romantic novels gives a girl wrong expectations. I don't want that. I'll lose myself in my dreams, and boy, I can't afford to lose myself at this stage of life."
"Which stage of life?"

"At this young age. I'm very important to me Blake. I can be someone else's and still be mine."
"I wish I was like that too."
"What makes you think you aren't?"
"I just lose myself in a person when I fall in love. My world revolves around them, I always fall too hard, too deep."
"Have you been in love before?"
"Yes. I don't know if that was what you call love, but it surely made my days better."
"Who was the girl?"
"It was at the start of my freshman year in Mexico. We lasted for six months before I had to move away."
"Do you miss her?"
"Not really."
"Why not?"
"I told you, I don't know whether I loved her or not."
"Did she love you?"
"Do you cheat on the people you love?"
I turned to look at him. He didn't seem affected, but my heart ached for him.

Somewhere under this facade, he might be hurting too. I shifted closer to him, so close that his warmth emanated into me.

"You wanna talk about it?" I ask him.
"I liked her a lot. I was loyal, if there's one thing that you can expect from me is loyalty. I gave her all I could until one day I found her in my bed with my rival. The guy was from the opposite football team. That really messed with my head and I lost the game next day against him. I know I didn't love her, but it hurt me because she was the only girl I had dated, the only one I cared about. You know Auri, in this world where everyone is drowning, you have to learn how to save yourself. You are right, you have to be there for you. Around one year later, my mum passed away. I couldn't take it. But I didn't let the pain destroy me. I let it become my strength. Hearts break, people leave, friends change, but life doesn't stop. You have to keep rowing the boat, even if you have to make your hands the oars."

I don't know what to say. For all the smartness I possess, I still don't know how to handle this fragile man in front of me. He was breaking apart.
"Turn to me."
He reluctantly turned towards me so that he was facing me, legs folded in Indian style. His eyes were glassy, but they betrayed any emotion he might be feeling. I leaned forward and hugged him.

It was really uncomfortable, considering that both of us were sitting. But I was flushed against him, and he moved his hands to my waist. Very gently, he pushed me into himself further. I could feel his heart beating against mine as he clutched on to me desperately like how a drowning man hangs to a straw. It was like I could save him. But I had to save myself first.
"I'm here Blake. Whenever you need me, I'm here. For you." I muttered in his ear.
"Thank you." He breathes.

I seperate from him and sit down on the sand again. Was he doing this just for my pity or did he have a habit of scoring girls like this? Draw them in through a complex family issue, gain their sympathy and get into their pants? I surveyed him again. No way. This guy couldn't do that. You'll look into his eyes and know. He was sincere, understanding and respectful. Never before had I met someone who made me feel things in a greater depth than he does. Who constantly pushes me to explore new things in life, who pulls me out of my nutshell, but holds my hand so that I can lean right back into my comfort zone. Who makes me rethink about my preconceived notions in life, who challenges me every day, and who believes in me more than I believe in myself.
"Listening Auri."
"I really, really like you."
He ruffles my hair with a smile.
"I really, really like you too."

I enter my house and go straight to my bedroom. Willow is perched upon her bed and the moment, I enter, she jumps up.
"Details. Details. Details. So you went on a date with Blake?" She regards me with suspicious eyes.
"It wasn't a date. We just went out exploring. Who goes for a date to a museum?"
"People like you."
"Oh shut up."
"No seriously, do you like Blake?" She asks me as she keeps her hands on my shoulders and looks at me square in the eye.

"Why are you asking this Willow?" I stare back at her.
"I like him." She says.
I gulp.
"As in a tiny crush?"
"No, I want to give this a shot. I wanna date him."
"And what if I like him?"
She gives me a tiny smile. "I know you don't."
I sigh. "Are you sure about him?"
"Yes, but I'm working on making him like me? There's nothing between you two right?"
I force a smile on my face. "No."
"So we'll get Blake to like me!" She rubs her hands in glee while I stare at her make her way back to the bed and talk about her day.
Was that just my heart I felt cracking?


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