3 AM

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Josh's POV

She says it's cold outside and she hands me my raincoat

I was lazing around in my living room, still trying to work off the MMVA hangover. Taylor and I had gotten back late last night, and slept in my apartment. I was surprised I woke before Taylor.


A scream interrupted the TV show. Instinctively, I ran towards the source. Fear rushed through my veins as I made it to the bedroom. I barged through the door, and saw Taylor curled up in a tiny ball on the bed, cradling her head.

"Taylor what's wrong?" I asked concerned. I walked over towards her and sat on the edge of the bed. I noticed she was sobbing.

"My head," she moaned.

"What happened? What's wrong," I questioned.

"I don't know. I woke up with this horrible, horrible headache, and it won't go away," she said, wincing.

"It's ok," I comforted. "It's ok. Here, uh, let me grab you some Advil."

She says it's all gonna end and it might as well be my fault

I rushed into the kitchen, and opened one of the many cabinets. I grabbed the Advil, along with a glass, and filled it with water. I came back into the room, but Taylor wasn't there anymore. Gagging noises came from the bathroom. I set my things down on the bedside table, and walked across the room.

I looked in the door, and saw Taylor bent over the toilet, throwing up. I walked over, placed my hand on her back, and rubbed it.

"It's ok, Taylor. It's ok," I soothed.

After she finished throwing up, I cleaned her up and set her back in bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked after giving her the Advil.

"I don't know," she replied hoarsely. "I woke up with the worst headache in the world. Like, imagine slamming your head through a wall and multiply that by twenty."

I was gently rubbing her head in comfort, when I realized just how warm it was.

"You feel kind of hot. You probably have a fever," I guessed. "Um." I wasn't very good at playing doctor. "I'll go get the thermometer, I think."

And she only sleeps when it's raining

Sure enough she had a screaming fever of 105 degrees. Fahrenheit of course.

"Should I call the doctor?" I asked Taylor.

"No, no. I'll be fine. I think," she replied breathlessly. "Really. Go get the McDonald's. You said you'd get hungry when you ate."

I knit my eyebrows in confusion. I had never said anything like that. Nor, did that sentence even make sense.

"Are you sure you're ok Taylor? You're not making any sense."

"Of course I'm grape juice. Just get me some it's fine."

She was starting to worry me, but I guessed it was the fever talking.

"Just get some sleep Taylor. I'll check on you in a while," I said.

I got up, and walked out. I turned the lights off, and closed the door.

I bit my lip. Well this sucked. I had a free day, and I couldn't do anything because Taylor was sick.

And she screams and her voice is straining

I decided to text Matt. "Need help. Taylor's sick. Abso-fucking-lutley have no idea what to do!"

Almost instantly Matt texted back. LThat sounds like a code red bro. Don't ask me what to do. Ask someone with a maternal instinct."

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