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Woah. So we're basically at the half way point now in this story, and holy tits I really only have like eighteen more chapters to write! Of course there are much more to come than that, but holy I didn't realize how close I was to the finish! I'm planning to hopefully get this all done before summer ends, because I know I'm going to have a tough year ahead. And I've already planned out the second story in this trilogy, so hopefully I can get that up as soon as I'm done this, and update it quite frequently!


Taylor's POV

The autumn leaves fell from the trees, landing on the ground and filling in another place like puzzle pieces. Just like this crazy relationship I had with Josh. Although it may not be perfect - sometimes going weeks with out seeing each other, to having crazy doubts, - I loved it. Every day was another piece to the puzzle that painted our love.

The September air was heavy, but had a strong breeze. I clasped Josh's hand, and leaned into him to hide from the cool wind.

Stanley Park never failed to be beautiful. As I took in the magnificent scenery, Josh rambled on and on, — I think he was talking about some mongoose thing, — whatever it was, I didn't really pay attention.

Once again we were being forced apart. Except, not by planes. Not only were fans, and blogs disagreeing with us being us, — our friends and even my own mother were to blame as well.

I don't know why the sudden chorus of disapproval started up, worse than before, but it hurt. I couldn't help but flashback to the conversation I had with my mom several days ago when Josh was out of town.


It started off as a decent how've you been, but obviously my mom had more on her mind.

"So your album is coming out next month! Are you excited?" She asks over the phone.

"Yeah, I'm nervous, but excited. I'm trying to cram in as much down time as possible right now to prepare for when it gets released," I reply.

Release week is crazy. There's really no time to sleep. Your up at four, and end your day well past midnight. Your on a million different shows a day, and it doesn't stop.

"I hear that Josh is going away on tour soon as well," my mom mentions.

At the beginning of October, Marianas Trench will be leaving for tour. It won't end till sometime in December.

"Yeah, it'll be the last time they do anything for Masterpiece Theatre, before working on their next album."

"So you won't be seeing each other for a long time," she reminds me.

"Yeah. We're both going to be busy for a while. Maybe I'll get a chance to fly to one of their shows."

"Strange that you two are dating."

"What do you mean?" I ask, suddenly feeling defensive.

We were friends for years, before Josh finally beat up the bad guy, and grew enough courage to ask me out. Something we had both been waiting for since the day we met. It was the perfect love story.

"Well. I mean you two are both musicians. You both have busy lives. How do you think you'll be spending time together when your off touring the world? You think he'll stay faithful when he won't have any way to communicate to you for weeks on end?"

"Mom!" I scold. "How could you think like that?"

"Hun, I don't want you to get your heart broken—"

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