O Children

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Hey guys! Here's the continuation (not sure if that's how you spell it...) of the last chapter. Sorry I updated a bit later than usual, it's summer so I really have no idea what day it is ever. If I ever miss an update day let me know! I've been aiming for every Sunday and Thursday. However, that may slow down a bit because I've caught up with myself now. the next two chapters may come along slower, sorry but I'm having a real difficult time writing them. But after that most of my chapters are at least half done.

Anyways. Enough pointless chatter, here is chapter 28. The song is O Children by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. (The song that plays in Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Part one where Harry and Hermione are dancing in the tent. If you have no idea what I'm talking about than I'm sorry but you need to discontinue what your are doing until you know.)

Taylor's POV

"Hey you know what's really funny?" Sara began.

"What?" I asked. I was sitting next to Josh cuddling in his arms.

"When you get your boyfriend to do your makeup."

"Oh really?" I could believe that.

"Yeah, there's a whole bunch of those videos on YouTube. You guys should do one."

"Yeah, we should," I said pointedly to Josh.

"Um, what?" He said.

"Ok. We're doing it," I stated.

A few minutes later, we had my laptop set up, and all of my make up was strewn on the table. "This is going to be so cute."

"Um, I'm still not wholly agreeing with this," Josh said.

"Too bad."

I pressed record on the laptop.

"Hey everybody! It's me, and Josh. And his sister suggested we do this, and it sounds like fun, so basically Josh is going to do my makeup, while I don't tell him anything," I showed my truckload of makeup I had. "And for those of you wondering about the title of this video, yes Josh is my boyfriend."

I highfived him.

"Um, so lets get this started I guess," I said.

First Josh grabbed some eyeshadows and described them to the camera. Then he took some liner and described that, along with a few other things in there.

"You know, you don't have to describe absolutely everything in the bag," I interrupted him as he was describing some sparkly eyeliner I had.

"Excuse me, I am doing what I want to do. Thank you very much."

I rolled my eyes.

This went on for a while until he finally picked up a very pale foundation. He also described that.

"Now, watch my awesomeness as I apply this on," he opened the case. "Um, well, it's empty so uh."

I flipped the panel over for him.

"Oh! Never mind. It was hiding, that's all."

"I don't know why I thought this was going to be fun," I sighed.

"Alright, now relax your facial muscles. Do it with me." He began moving his eyebrows, and I followed suit. Then he moved his nose, and his mouth. I mirrored him. He filled his cheeks with air, blew it out his relaxably closed lips, making a horse noise. I copied.

"Alright, I think we're ready."

He grabbed the sponge that came with it, and began roughly rubbing it in the powder. I winced. It was like he was trying to rip all the powder out of the case.

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