Say Anything

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Woah, two consecutive updates in a row? Thats what happens when you leave a comment :) Also I honestly have no idea where I went with this chapter, but updates will probably be quicker because besides the next chapter, everything is written until the last one of this part. So, enjoy

Josh's POV

I never took you for a trick but
sometimes I don't know what you want

"Amanda's coming over for dinner tonight," I said when Taylor joined me in the kitchen. She kept her eyes to the ground.

"Oh. Do you, do you want me to leave then?" She asked.

"No! No not at all. You can stay. In fact, join us " I suggested.

She looked up at me, her broken, baby blue eyes piercing me.

"Josh, you know I can't. I'll just be awkwardly sitting there doing nothing."

"Well then eat. Hey, you wanted me to pull you out of rehab, you wanted my help!"

"But Josh, I don't need help for this!"

"So then why did you guilt me into taking you away from the one place that could!" I shouted.

"Because that place was ruining me! It wasn't fixing me at all!" She yelled back.

Great. So now this was turning into an argument.

"She doesn't even like me anyways. Just let me dissapear," Taylor snapped.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about Josh! Don't be so stupid. Just because you're some alpha leader of a band, doesn't mean that you can go running around with your head held high and girls galore under your arms. Be smart for once!"

I knew I should've kept my mouth shut. Shee didn't mean those words, but they riled me.

"Well fuck you Taylor, I'm trying to be the nice guy here!"

She shot out of her chair and grunted. "Fine. Whatever. I'm going for a walk," she grumbled.

She stormed out of my apartment without looking back.

I sighed. This was all twisting into a bigger mess than it needed to be. Taylor was starting to scare me. Her emotions were going crazy, and she would lash out at me about next to nothing.

She was starting to remind me of my old self.

I kept a close eye on her to make sure she didn't destroy her body at all. I managed to stay by her side since she got out of rehab, but I knew it wouldn't work. I had a job, I needed to tour to make money. I had a girlfriend, I needed to keep that relationship alive. I knew this little system would crumble soon.

I was terrified for the day when Taylor would have to walk out of here, again. And it would be permanent.

I can take it if you need to
take this out on someone

Taylor's POV

I stormed out the door, but bumped into a familiar blond.

"Oh, hi. What are you doing here?" Amanda asked.

"Nothing," I said, before walking away.

I rushed as fast as I could out of that building. Curse Josh for living on the top floor. I walked through the noisy streets, praying no one would recognize me. That was the last thing I needed; some fake story about Josh and I getting back together. It would only hurt me more.

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