Cry Out!

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“There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God.”  Brother Lawrence

This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heave, hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.  Give us today our daily bread.  And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.  And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” - Jesus - Matthew 6:9-13

Obloquy:  “a strong condemnatory utterance”  Merriam-Webster Dictionary

At this point in my life I don’t speak Spanish.  Ok, so I know a little bit like the rest of us.  But I’m far from being effective at communicating in it.  That doesn’t keep me from communicated however.  I just need an interpreter.  Now, if I’m using an interpreter to communicate with someone who speaks a different language, I don’t then try to speak in the other’s tongue.  No, I speak my own language and the message is interpreted for me and visa-versa.  It’s the same with God.  I can’t communicate with God on His level, in His language.  However, I can communicate with Him in my own language, in my own words.  I hear too often about people avoiding God because they don’t feel like they’re good enough, or they don’t understand His language.  Indeed, sometimes Christianity can seem intimidating.  People with a strong understanding of the Bible forget how to communicate the essence of the Lord.  That being love, hope, peace...  Often, the first thing Christians want to teach people is the language of God.  Or should I say, the language they think is of God.  We put limits on faith, and roadblocks to dialogue.  But if we’re honest, we’re all trying to learn how to be with God.  And none of us know the true language of our Maker.  And that’s ok.  God knows our language.  He not only understands our words, but comprehends our thoughts as well.  We should never be intimidated to come to God.  No matter how inferior we feel, or uneducated we are.  He’ll never respond in an obloquious manner.  Furthermore, as Christians, we should never discourage another from participating in the act of communication with God because of ignorance.  We’re all ignorant about our God.  We all should be seeking to understand Him further, and we all need His grace.  None of us know the language of God, however He is forever faithful and gracious, and He knows how to speak in ours.    God loves us and cars for us enough to send His word to us.  Sometimes it may be in a still small voice.  At other times it may be like booming thunder.  Always, it’s in His word we call the Bible.  Want to know how to communicate with God better?  Get in His word.  And practice.  Come to the Lord with your thoughts and desires.  He won’t reject you.  He loves you!  When we were babies all we knew to do was to cry.  Can you imagine a loving parent rejecting their child because they couldn’t speak a language fluently?  No.  It’s the same with us.  All we know is to cry to our God.  There is no shame in it.  It’s expected.  The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:15, “For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ‘Abba! Father!’”  Notice how the spirit of slaver is lowercase and the Spirit of adoption upper?  The spirit of slavery is human.  The Spirit of adoption is of God.  The Spirit of adoption is God.  We’ve been adopted by God.  And as our Father, He will never reject our cries.  He understands and He cares.  Maybe we could all use a little more crying out.  There’s no trick to it, just speak.  It doesn’t matter our language or knowledge, He hears.  And best of all...  He answers!

Daily Journaling Questions:

How did I help someone in kindness today?

What did I learn today?

What am I thankful for?

Who did I love today?

What am I dreaming of?

What about today do I want to remember forever?

What are my goals for tomorrow?

Thanks for reading,


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