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August's Point of View.

D & Chris left so now I was juss watching Meek & Nicki smile at eachother.

Me:"Nicki let's go now!"

Nicki:"no! I'm not ready to go, me & Meek are going to have drinks"

Me:"to hell wit him!"

I grabbed Nicki but not hard cause you know that's a little abusive, & walked her out wit her back against my chest. I chucked up the duces to meek & me and Nicki walked back to the car. I opened the door for her & she got in, then I closer it and walked to my side and got in.

The car ride back home was quiet as hell. Ian feel like being nice no more so she open her own fuckin door. I got out and slammed the door. I put the keys in my pants and got out my phone to text D.

Me:"she got a fuckin attitude now"

D:"juss tell her what was wrong she'll let loose and upset stand, I promise"

Me:"okaay thanks"

D:"okaay bye text me later"

I walked in and sat on the couch. I cut on the T.V & decided to watch MTV. Nicki came in and slammed the door. I walked over to her and grabbed her hand; I had a good grip so she wouldn't try to walk out. I sat her on my lap and turned her around so she would be facing me.

Me:"Nicki look at me"

She looked at me and the bsck down at her fingers.

Me:"so how would you feel if me & Rhianna or somebody where in a recording studio smiling at eachother and singing a song called 'all eyes on you'..juss tell me how would you feel? & you juss siting on the couch watching..you wouldn't like that very much would you?"


Me:"exactly so give me a kiss for making me sit there watching you cupcake in front of my face."

She gave me and kiss and laughed.

Me:"now give me another kiss for trynna leave me a lone here while you go drink wit that nigga"

Nicki:"I'm sorry.."

Me:"no! I said a kiss"

Nicki:"August no!"

Me:"ight I got something for you then"

I laid her on the floor & we got busy of you know what I'm sayin'.

Diamond's Point of View.

I'm a couple fixer..& they some nasty ass freaks.

Me:"Chris! Imma couple fixer! August and Nicki where on the edge and I fixed it! Now give me a kiss!"

Chris:"'eww no'"

He was trynna be funny cause I wouldn't give him a kiss earlier. I pushed him down on the floor and gave him a kiss.. I haven't had a good kiss in a while.

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