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×Diamond's Point of View. ❤

It was 8:10 & I really juss wanted to tell him to leave, I didn't wanna sit here while we planned the bitch he cheated on me with birthday. Why would he even come to me?

Me:"okaay let's start"

I mentally rolled my eyes.

Chris:"okaay what am I supposed to start with?"

Me:"how old is it turnin?"

Chris:"why do you have to call her a it?! D you don't even know her?! You act like you've know here & she done did some shit to you, but you don't even know her!"

Me:"oh your right, she juss the one that you cheated on me wit when I was pregnant with Kayla, oh & the fact that she knew? Oh but that's not doing nothing to me"

Chris:"okaay I'm sorry about that but-"

Me:"but nothing! Get the fuck out!"

I pushed him to the door & he turned us around so now I was on the door & he was looking me in my eyes.

Chris:"I said I was sorry, you didn't believe me or accept it..I still & always will love you. You need to stop being mad at her and be mad at yourself"

Me:"be mad at me?! For what?! You the one that went out to a fuckin club and cheated on me with her Chris! You fucked her! You didn't even juss kiss her, you full on fucked her Chris!"

At this point I was crying banging on his chest. I can't believe he said it was my fault! I didn't do anything to him, but it's my fault. As I remember and remembered everything that happened I got more angry & more angry.

Me:"Chris I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!"

I threw 3 pieces of glass at him. He dodged all of them. And he ran to me.

Chris:"what the hell is wrong with you?!?!"

At this point from all the noise Kayla was at the end of the steps. I didn't want her to see this I grabbed her & walked her up the steps. I gave her to Nesto & shut the door. I went to my room & pack a bag full of clothes. I got hella money. Then I got my deodorant, toothbrush, & shoes, & all that stuff.

Then I went back to Nesto room or the guest room, whatever.

Me:"don't give her to Chris, cause I swear on my life if you do....."

Nesto:"what about work?"

Me:"drop her off at the address Imma text you"

Nesto;"you okaay?"

Me:"yeah I'll be fine I'm gone"

I walked down the steps & Chris looked at me and tried to hug me. I moved and walked out the door. I went to my car & popped the trunk. I put all my stuff up and got in.

Chris:"so wht about my daughter?!"

Me:"fuck you! Get the fuck out my way!"

Chris:"okaay but can you juss please help with Sha-"

Me:"what in the holly hell is wrong with you?! You know I love you? I guess not cause you keep asking about Shaniyah! You cheated on me with her! & you keep saying her name like this bitch my bestfriend. Chris I'm not gonna fuckin help you so stop fuckin asking! I should curt your fuckin dick off but I'm not so be glad and go the fuck home! & as for Kay? She's not going anywhere with you until I come back, I don't trust that dusty ass thing with around my daughter so good bye!"

I drove off. I think imma go to Huston. I went to the airport and parked my car. I locked it and put the key away. I went in & got a ticket. Shit! This ticket is for tomorrow. I guess imma have to stay at a hotel. *sorry for all the i's*. I got back into my car & drove to the Westin.

I went up go the desk.

Me:"hey can I have a room for 1 night?"

Desk person:"yes ma'am"

She typed some shit up & I got a key. I went to the room I had. Damnnnn! I went all the way to the 63rd floor & went to room 6320. I opened the door to see a nice room. It had 2 beds but that was fine. I saw the whole view of Atlanta. It was so fuckin nice!

I sat my stuff down then looked from the view. I took a seat on the bed and opened the blinds some more. I sat there and a tear fell. See that's exactly why I didn't wanna work with Chris. I knew some shit was gonna pop off.

I turned on the TV & covered up with a blanket I brought. I picked up my phone. 37 miss calls from Chris & 50 from Nesto. I called Nesto back.


Nesto:"Diamond! I called you like 50 times why didn't you answer?"

What's a good lie?

Me:"my phone was dead, wassup?"

Nesto:"Kayla juss wanted to talk to you"

Me:"put her on the phone"

Kay:"hey mwommy!"

Me:"hey Kay"

Kay:"what are you dwoing?"

Me:"nothing how about you?"

Kay:"nothwing playing with Nestwo"

Me:"are yall having fun?"


Me:"ok well that good, listen mommy gotta go but I'll talk to you later"

Kay:"okaay bye bye mwommy I love you"

Me:"aww I love you to Kay!"

I hung up and looked down at the missed calls from Chris...I was contemplating on whether or not I should call back. I decided to juss text him 1 simple message & the only one.

Me:"tell her friend to take her out, but make sure they know what your doing, while she's gonna decorate the house, her favorite color, make food & desserts then set up a presents table for her presents so she feels special because all of the presents, don't give her money, anybody else can but you don't! Don't invite the paparazzi make it a private party, make sure you take pictures & post them tho, that's all, hope she has fun"

I sent rhe text and turned off my phone. I layed down and closed my eyes. I juss thought back on today and drifted off to sleep..

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