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Diamond's Point Of View. 😔

I reached up for a napkin to wipe my eyes. Im not gonna lie I really miss my brother but there is no way that I'm gonna talk to him again. I got out and walked to the entrance. I sat not the bench & pulled out my phone, I scrolled down my contacts list till i got to Shay 😍🎀💖. She picked up on the third ring.


Shay:"where you at? Im at the food court, I'm in line bout to get me a good ass mexican pizza"

Me:"here I come shawty"

I got up and walked in. I think she was with her boyfriend. I don't mind if she is i would love to met him. When I saw her put her hand up I saw she was with a dude but I couldn't see who it was. They had one body guard so he was famous.

I walked over there and a sharp pain hit my heart. IF you thought that my bother was with her? you guessed right... I never thought that these two would be the one to go out. I just stood there. I guess I would just block him out for our day. On the inside I was crying so bad. I was apply that I could actually see my brother again & then I was also crying because how could he do what he did?!?!


Shay:"wassup girl this Tyga my boyfriend... I know you know him cause he famous & all but lol.."

I just looked at her..

Shay:"babe this is Diamond my old best friend"

Tyga:"wassup Diamond"

I really wanted to punch him in the fuckin face 😒👊, but I obviously wasn't. We stood in line & then I got a message. I looked and it was from Chris 💍😍😂.

Chris 💍😍😂- while your with him you might as well just solve your problem

D 💍😍💜- no because I'm not fucking talking to him, you must not know how much I hat his guts, plus you don't even know what the fuck happened.

Chris 💍😍😂- yeah but I know how bad you miss him so just make up with him

D 💍😍💜- bye chris

I put my phone back in my pocket. Tyga tapped me & put his phone up. Chris sent him pictures of our convo & asked him what happened. At this point Chris was about to get his ass whopped.

Me:"Shay, Something just came up ill talk to you later"

I went to my car and scrolled down my contacts till I got to Mama Breezy 😘💜🎀 she answered on the fifth ring,

Me:"mama breezy can you watch Kay for like 1 month, and ill pay you 1,000 for the whole month"

Mama Breezy 😘💜🎀:"yeah baby bring her over when your ready"

Me:"okay thanks you again"

I hung up and then drove to my house. Kayla was still sleep. I packed her bags for a month & then did the same for me. I won't miss her party but I can't be here. Chris needs his ass whooped. I went home got her and put her in her seat in the car. I put the stuff in the trunk and ignored Chris and nesto. I will tell Nesto whats going on later as for Chris he can suck my dick, its all his fault.

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