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shout out to @queen-imani 😊😊 thanks for the like... for anybody who wants a shout out like, comment, & follow me.

Diamond's Point Of View.

I woke up from my nap and it was 7:15. I hurried and put Kay's stuff in the car. I got her and put her in her seat. I drove to the airport and got our bags and stuff. I was kinda struggling but shit I got this. I was at the door and somebody taped my shoulder. I looked and it was Shon from the restaurant.

Me:"Hi shon"

Shon:"hey um I see your kinda struggling so do you want help?"

Me:"umm..yes please!"

He took Kay and he was actually holding her well for a new guy. I know that sounds weird but usually when I let a friend guy hold Kay they hold her really weird. I got the bags and went over to the gate I was at earlier. I sat down and looked at Shon. He was sitting down.

Me:"thanks for the help!"

Shon:"going to Houston too?"

Me:"yeah & lemme guess you too?"

Shon:"yeah, whats your seat?"


Shon:"47 right across from you"

Me:"why you going?"

Shon:"visit my ma, what about you?"

Me:"clear my mind & visit my sister with my little one"

Shon:"thats good, thats good... maybe we can hang when we get there, how long you gonna be there?"

Me:"that sounds like a plan & uh I'm not sure but ill tell you whats your number"


We switched phones. I saved my name as: Diamond 😝😄🎀 & he saved his name as: Shon 🙌👋💥. I smiled and he did too.

"Flight to huston please come to gate A20 your plane will be boarding now, flight to huston boarding now"


yeah i know this chapter was to short but it was just something to update ill update 2 long chapters tomorrow! and maybe another short one tonight!

Kayla? 😇 (10 for a picture of Kay 💘💘)

Diamond? 😊 (20 likes for a picture of D)

Shon? 😘 (picture of him in mm)

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