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i typed the last part on my laptop & this one two, which one do y'all like better? just lemme know! 

Chris's Point Of View. 😝

Me:"D I swear I didn't fuck her! I really need you to listen to me! Im sorry & I love you! D please answer my calls" 

That was my 70th time calling D & she won't answer. I really need her to listen to me because I can't let her leave me again. I put on my shoes & went to my car. I drove to my house. I walked in and my house was fucked up! There was trash everywhere, it looked like somebody was throwing a party. 

I walked up stairs & it smelled like sex. I went to my room & saw 2 mf laying in my bed. I went over to my closet & grabbed all my bags & filled them with clothes. I got another bag and put my shoes in it. Then i took the stuff to my car & drove to D's house. I just stayed parked there, i didn't want to go up there cause then she would just cuss me out. 

I decided to drive to my mama's house to get some advice. When I got there I saw an unusual car i haven't ever seen before. I didn't mind it tho i just walked to the porch and rung the doorbell. She didn't answer so I rung it again. After she didn't answer that one I went back to the car and sat down. 

I put my hands over my face..I didn't know what to do. So i picked up the phone & scrolled down till i got to Mama Breezy 😘😍💜. I called her & she didn't answer. I was about to cry.. so I sat there again for about 5 minutes then she called back. I kinda put on a smile. I answered. 

Me:"mama i need help, I'm outside your house & i got out and rang the doorbell and called you! you didn't answer nothing and this is an emergency" 

Mama:"is the emergency that your cheating on D again? Chris i taught you better! you need to stop! be better!" 

Me:" ma this time I didn't even do anything! I went home & Kelsi was there. You don't know her but she was trying to have sex with me, mama please help me explain this to D, I didn't wanna stay there cause she would have caught me in a trap so I went back to D house and she said i smelled like warm vanilla and i had kisses on my neck but she seriously kissed me and i didn't let her! mama pleassse help i can't loose her again" 

At this point I just wanted to cry..but i couldn't. Mama opened the door  & i got out. 

I was at mama's for about a hour. We talked about everything and she helped me, i had a huge smile on my face 😝😝😄😄😄. I got in my car and drove back to my house. It was clean..& the smell was gone..along with the people that where in my bed. My bed was also made up. 😌 thank you for whoever did that. 

I got in the shower & dressed up in a suite & tie. I texted D earlier from my mama's phone. She talked to mama and of course mama fixed it so she's going with me. Im so happy that i have another chance. I got back in my car and drove to D house... 



Diamond? 😍

Chris? 👏

Mama? 😇

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