Chapter 37

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~Zayn's P.O.V~

"Are you crazy Zayn!? Why on EARTH would you DO that?!" My mom screamed at me as I sat on the couch. My feet were apart and my elbows rested on my knees and I clasped my hands together not even bothering to look at my mother and father looming over me asking for answers.

"Well? Are you going to say something," My father asks his arms crossed. I sat in detention for the rest of the day I was at school, all I remember is being pulled away by the school officer and into the principal's office, and people have been yelling at me since then. At one point they even brought Harry into the same room as me. I couldn't remember what happened after that, all I know is that about ten minutes later, I was being slammed down on the principal's desk and Harry is being held back by the principal.

Everything is just one blur. I barely remember driving to school. I've just been so heated ever since she told me yesterday about that fucking prick.

Then there's fucking her. She went and fucked him. This whole time. Fucking deceiving me.

"Ughhh!" I hold my head thinking. It hurts to even think about it.

"Zayn! We are speaking to you!" My mom says again.

"I can't talk about this mom," I say holding my head. She scoffs and pulls my dad to the side. The officer at school told them that I can't remember what I did, but they insist that I do. I stand up and go to the counter to grab my car keys. My mom snatched them away from me.

"Where do you think your going?" She crosses her arm with the keys in her hand.

"Please mom. I just...I just need to clear my mind," I lied through my teeth. I need to go see Reign. I don't know how she is. I haven't been myself since she told me about the whole Harry thing, but after today I feel like I've been released in some way. My dad pulled her away and whispered in her ear. She looked at him like he was crazy and she scoffed slammed the keys into his hand and she stomped off up the stairs. My father walks over to me and hands me the keys and he nods at me and I take the keys from him and walk out the door, not acknowledging the fact that he actually did something nice for a change.

I walk over to my car and notice the dent in the side of my car door. I rub my hand remembering feeling immense pain the next morning in my hand. I shake my head and open my car door and the first thing I see as I get in is an open pack of cigarettes with just one lone cigarette left in the pack. I disregard them and put the car in reverse and begin my drive to Reign's.

Twenty minutes later I'm standing in front of her door, just staring. I didn't see her father car here so I know he's not here and there might be a slight chance that she isn't either, but that is a chance I'm willing to take. I knock on the door then move to the corner so she wouldn't be able to see me through the peephole in her door or the front windows.

"Who is it?" I hear her call behind the door and my heart jolts a little, just the fact that she's here brings joy to me. She asks one more time before just opening the door. When she does she sees me and immediately freezes, her mouth hung open in shock.

"What are you doing here?" She says looking around behind me, I guess wondering how I got here.

"I uh...I wanted to see you," I reply my hand finding its way to the back of my neck. She scoffs.

"You have a lot of fucking balls Zayn, you need to leave," She said trying to close the door on me, but I put my foot in the way so it wouldn't close. She looks up to me, obviously not impressed.

"I just want to talk," I say again looking straight into her eyes. She sighs and opens the door and I smile lightly knowing that even though I may have done something really fucked up, she stills has a soft spot for me.

I walk into her house and immediately spot to picture of Reign and her mother. They look so happy, it must've sucked to lose her so young as she did. I look over to her and she was trying to sit down on the couch, but she was having difficulty because of her stomach. I rushed over to help her, but she refused. When she sat, she watched me and I watched her back taking in her appearance.

Her dirty blonde hair was up in a ponytail as her bangs hung loosely in front of her face. She wore a large white shirt with blue shorts. It's crazy to think that someone as small as her is able to support that huge stomach she has. I open my mouth to say something but she talks before I even say anything.

"I think that I should say something before you even begin," She looks to me and I look to her and gesture for her to go ahead. She hangs her head and begins to play with her fingers.

"I don't think...I don't think we should do this anymore," She looks up to me and I watch her trying to process what she just said to me.

"What do you mean 'this'?" I clear my throat and say because if I didn't my voice would've cracked.

"I mean us."

"What about us?" I raise my voice, but she looks completely unphased.

"I don't think we should be together anymore Zayn," She said her voice as calm as it was when she first started to speak.

"And why the hell not!?" I say feeling myself losing control of my temper. She shakes her head.

"Don't you see? Look at yourself. I know you may not want to hear it but your dad was right...I'm ruining you Zayn,"

"My dad's a bloody prick! Your not ruining me!" I get up and start to pace the small living room space.

"I spoke to your mom too," Her head was down when I looked at her, and I stayed completely silent waiting to hear what my mother had to say.

"She said you used to be this way. You used to be violent, you used to drink, you used to do all this stuff before a few years ago, but you stopped, and it wasn't until you started dating me that all this stuff started to resurface in your life. And I began to think that was me and it wasn't until today that I confirmed that fact," She looked at me and tears rolled down her cheeks.


"I'm doing this for you. If I'm out of your life you'll get better, you won't do all these things-"

"Reign...I've spent the last several months trying to prove to everyone, that this relationship is right for me, for us-"

"But is it?" She says looking up at me and when I meet her gaze she looks away. "I tried to look for a positive to stop me from making this decision, but...I can't. I think about how much I love you and then I remember how much bad things I've caused."

"Reign, you don't know what you're saying," I say to her now leaning against the wall feeling like if I kept pacing I'd pass out. I run my hand through my hair getting the sudden feeling that it's getting unbearably long.

"I do," she says and stands up and walks out of the living room. I follow her like its an instinct wherever she goes. She stops at he front door and looks back to me. It wasn't until then that I realised she was being serious. She was ending what we had.

She is ending us.

"You-you can't do this," I say my voice betraying me when it cracks.

"...What can you do to stop me?" She questions, her eyes hard as rock as she looks at me. I begin to walk towards her and I see a slight crack in her otherwise unbreakable wall. I stand right in front of her and drop to my knees and hug her legs tightly.

"Please...please don't do this..." Tears are threatening to roll down my cheek, but all I need is a confirmation, a reassurance, just one single word that will make me know that she at least wants to try again, to just give me another chance to redeem myself and show her how much I really and truly love her.

"...No," She says her voice as cold as ice, and as she says it my eyes go wide letting the tears slip out. I look up to her and her face is turned away from me. I stay on the floor my arms still wrapped around her legs refusing to unlatch. If this is gonna be the last of our relationship then I want this moment to last forever.

I actually didn't mean to put hat last part in there so I kind of took it out 😅

It'll be in the next chapter xD


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